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2021 Keynote Speakers Nominations

993 bytes added, 20:00, 4 November 2020
Initial creation of 2021 keynote speakers nomination
As the conference will be virtual this year, we encourage all nominations -- including those from international venues.

Please include a description and any relevant links and try to keep the list in alphabetical order.

The criteria for nominating a candidate to act as keynote are below:
*Speaker’s name (First Name, Last Name)
*Brief description of individual (250-word max)
*Pertinent links (Maximum of 3)
*Contact information of candidate (email address)

''If you would prefer to submit a nomination anonymously, please send your nominee(s) to Clara Turp at: [].''

Please follow the formatting guidelines:


== Nominee's Name ==

Description of no more than 250 words.

[[Link(s) with contact information for nominee]]



==Jane Doe (example)==

Jane works at ________, doing _______.

Some pertinent history/biography/[ hyperlinks] that elucidates why Jane would be a good keynote speaker.

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