→Free my DSpace Data! How to get your data out of DSpace 1.7 and restore your content after a disaster.
For a while, [ DSpace] has provided many means to get content into the system (or create new content in the system), e.g. basic ingest packages, user interfaces, SWORD. However, getting your content out of DSpace, especially for backups or migrations has often been problematic. In the past, although individual Items could be exported in standard formats, entire Collections or Communities (and the relationships between them) could not be as easily exported.
DSpace 1.7.0 provides a new [ AIP Backup & Restore feature] which allows DSpace to export '''all''' of its contents (Communities, Collections, Items, Groups, People, Permissions, and relationships between all objects) into a series of METS-based Archival Information Packages (AIPs). As these AIPs are just zip files, they can be backed up using your normal backup practices (e.g. to tape, hard-drive, or even to the cloud via a service like DuraCloud). As these AIPs also fully describe your DSpace contents, they can be used to restore your entire DSpace after a local server crash or larger disaster.
This talk will describe this new DSpace AIP Backup & Restore feature, provide hints/tips on how it can be used to backup/restore/migrate data. Time permitting, I can also touch on the DSpace Roadmap and other ideas/plans to "free your DSpace data".