
2010talks Submissions

3,286 bytes added, 22:51, 11 November 2009
Submissions for 20-Minute Talk Slots
This presentation will showcase XC’s metadata processing services, the metadata “navigator” and the Drupal user interface platform. The presentation will also describe how libraries and their developers can get started using and contributing to the XC code.
'''Talk Title:'''
I Am Not Your Mother: Write Your Test Code
'''Speaker name, affiliation, and email address:'''
Naomi Dushay, Stanford University,
How is it worth it to slow down your code development to write tests? Won’t it take you a long time to learn how to write tests? Won’t it take longer if you have to write tests AND develop new features, fix bugs? Isn’t it hard to write test code? To maintain test code? I will try to answer these questions as I talk about how test code is crucial for our software. By way of illustration, I will show how it has played a vital role in making Blacklight a true community collaboration, as well as how it has positively impacted coding projects in the Stanford Libraries.
'''Talk Title:'''
Nearby-on-Shelf or Browsing by Call Number
'''Speaker name, affiliation, and email address:'''
Naomi Dushay, Stanford University,<br />
Jessie Keck, Stanford University,
Browsing bookshelves has long been a useful research technique as well as an activity many users enjoy. As larger and larger portions of our physical library materials migrate to offsite storage, having a browse-able virtual shelf organized by call number is a much-desired feature.
I will talk about how we implemented nearby-on-shelf in Blacklight at Stanford:
# the code to get shelfkeys out of call numbers (code available in solrmarc),
# what I indexed in Solr given we can have
## multiple call numbers for a single bib record
## multiple bib records for a single call number
# Solr configuration, requests and responses to get call numbers before and after a given starting point as well as the desired information for display.
# Other code needed to implement this feature in Blacklight (concepts easily ported to other UIs).
'''Talk Title:'''
A New Implementation of Advanced Search
'''Speaker name, affiliation, and email address:'''
Naomi Dushay, Stanford University,<br />
Jessie Keck, Stanford University,
Even though we’d like to get basic searches working so well that advanced search wouldn’t be necessary, there will always be a small set of users that want it, and there will always be some library searching needs that basic searching can’t serve. Our user interface designer was dissatisfied with many aspects of advanced search as currently available in most library discovery software; the form she designed was excellent but challenging to implement.
We’ll share details of how we implemented Advanced Search in Blacklight:
# thoughtfully designed form for the user (NOT done by techies!)
# boolean syntax while using Solr dismax magic (dismax does not speak Boolean)
# checkbox facets (multiple facet value selection)
# fielded searching while using Solr dismax magic (dismax allows complex weighting formulae across multiple author/title/subject/… fields, but does not allow “fielded” searching in the way lucene does)
## easily configured in solrconfig.xml
# manipulating user entered queries before sending them to Solr
# making advanced search results look like other search results: breadcrumbs, selectable facets, and other fun.
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