
2012 preconference proposals

963 bytes added, 22:17, 25 January 2012
Half Day Morning
* Kirk Hess <>
* Gary Thompson
=== Knocking Down Silos: Tools and Approaches for Simplifying Discovery ===
What strategies have you used to merge silos to give users a more streamlined search experience? How are libraries using tools like Drupal, Islandora, Dublin Core, Solr and Blacklight to make article, catalog and/or repository content discoverable via a single interface? If you’re interested in these issues, challenges and conundrums join us for a morning of thinking, dreaming and scheming.
Speakers/Facilitators will be:
- Thom Cox - Manager of Library Information Technology Services - Tufts University
- Ken Varnum – Web Systems Manager - University of Michigan Libraries
- Stephen Westman – Analyst Programmer, Emerging Technologies and Services - Oregon State University Libraries
Contact: Margaret Mellinger - margaret dot mellinger at oregonstate dot edu
==== Interest in Attending ====
*David Uspal (david DOT uspal AT villanova DOT edu)
*Tammy Allgood Wolf
==Half Day Afternoon==