
2013 talks proposals

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'''Deadline has been extended by request due to the hurricaneVoting is complete. See results at: http:/storm/'''
'''[ 2013 Conference Schedule] '''  Deadline for talk submission is ''Friday, November 9'has closed''' at 11:59pm ET. We ask that no changes be made after this point, so that every voter reads the same thing. You can update your description again after voting closes.
Prepared talks are 20 minutes (including setup and questions), and focus on one or more of the following areas:
== Hands off! Best Practices and Top Ten Lists for Code Handoffs ==
* Naomi Dushay, Stanford University Library, ndushay@AT* Bess Sadler, Stanford University Library, bess@stanford.DOT edu(as mouthpiece for multiple contributors)
Transition points in who is the primary developer on an actively developing code base can be a source of frustration for everyone involved. We've tried to minimize that pain point as much as possible through the use of agile methods like test driven development, continuous integration, and modular design. Has optimizing for developer happiness brought us happiness? What's worked, what hasn't, and what's worth adopting? How do you keep your project in a state where you can easily hand it off?
== How to be an effective evangelist for your open source project ==
HathiTrust has a mission of ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of materials in the archive. Ensuring consistency among materials from different sources is one way we do this; it ensures that tools such as large scale search and PageTurner don't need to be concerned with where the content originated from and that it will be possible to undertake format migrations in the future. To ensure consistency, we have very specific and stringent standards including (but not limited to) the following areas:
- * Item identifiers (i.e. how each individual submitted item is identified and named) - * Package layout (file names, directory structure, etc.) - * Image technical characteristics (file format, resolution, color depth, etc.) - * Image metadata (scanning time, scanning artist, etc.) - * Source METS file comprising MARC, PREMIS, package contents and structMap, optionally with page numbers and page tags
We have chosen not to accept submissions in arbitrary formats for a couple of reasons. Unfortunately we just don't have the resources to create custom transformations for all sources of content, and if we created generic transformations that could accept data in a wide variety of formats there would most likely be some data loss in the transformation.
Therefore we have chosen to provide the ingest tools to the library community as a set of building blocks to help you build and validate submission packages that meet the standards while at the same time allowing you to preserve images without loss of quality and include any metadata that you want to preserve.
==Roses are ff0000, Violets are 0000ff DeLaMare is throwing a Hackathon and so should you!==
* Chrissy Klenke, University of Nevada, Reno,
* Nick Crowl, University of Nevada, Reno,
Hack 4 Reno is a 24-hour hackathon, where teams use local data to build applications that benefit the local community. Co-hosted by Reno Collective and the DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library, and sponsored by the City of Reno which generously provides the data, the teams, made up up of coders, designers, writers, and more, get to hack away for 24-hours, creating, collaborating, and having fun with it all:
The Reno Collective is Reno’s premiere co-working space for freelancers, designers, programmers, entrepreneurs, and startups. The DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library (DLM) at the University of Nevada, Reno is fast becoming the bridge between students, faculty, and members of its greater community of Reno Collective, Hack4Reno, Bridewire Makerspace, and the Code for American Reno Brigade.
Come hear about the hackathon, the projects created out of this event, and a glimpse of a few of the innovative projects created in collaboration with the DeLaMare Library. Robotics kits, 3D printers, drone quadricopters, lockpicking workshops and kits, bootcamps and 24-hour hackathons are just the start!
== Stuffing the Repository: An Advanced Dive Into Object Handling in Hydra ==
* Steven Anderson, Boston Public Library, sanderson AT bpl DOT org
* Eben English, Boston Public Library, eenglish AT bpl DOT org
This topic focuses on some advanced techniques for dealing with digital objects created for a repository. While all examples presented will be in the Hydra framework, the theory of what is presented is applicable to non-Hydra solutions. Specific topics include:
* Client side MD5 checksumming: While an Ajax file upload is fairly simple nowadays, verifying that the file doesn't become corrupted during transmission to the server is often overlooked. A method to calculate the MD5 checksum via the client browser before the file is transmitted over the network will be presented.
* Object Modeling Inheritance: There are many different theories regarding content modeling in the wild, from "one model to rule them all" to extreme granularity. Here we will outline an approach to modeling content inspired by OOP, using specific content type classes that inherit from a set of more generic content models.
* Hydra Models as a Rails Engine: In order to facilitate sharing of content models between multiple Hydra code bases, a completely separate and independent Ruby on Rails Engine to express content models has been developed. This unique approach offers tremendous potential for easily sharing and re-using pre-configured content models in a Hydra Head simply by installing a gem.
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