
2024 Keynote Speakers Nominations

1,769 bytes added, 22:04, 14 November 2023
added nominee
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== Libby Hemphill ==
Libby Hemphill (Associate Professor, University of Michigan School of Information, Research Associate Professor, U-M Institute for Social Research, and Director, ICPSR’s Resource Center for Minority Data and founding Director, ICPSR’s Social Media Archive) studies social computing and digital curation. Her research on social computing has demonstrated the impact of social media on Congressional behavior, has shown how social media platforms shape public discourse in virtual and IRL public spaces, and has developed a natural language processing approach to detecting and intervening to de-escalate abusive online behavior. Her research in digital curation has studied the responsible and ethical use and reuse of datasets in research, the design of infrastructure and technology to support research data archives, the importance of curation for improving the FAIRness of social media and other data, and the impact of data reuse. Her practice of digital curation at ICPSR has made available transformative data such as TransPop, the first national probability sample of transgender individuals in the United States, and SOMAR, a platform for transparent, reproducible preservation and ethical access to social media data. She has worked with the Anti-Defamation League to understand and respond to online hate, and she has created a post-baccalaureate program to diversify the pipeline of students engaged in computational social science research. She is a transformative scholar who has used her expertise and position to democratize data access.
Find out more about Libby Hemphill's work:
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