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No change in size, 00:12, 19 November 2013
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May Chan, Burnaby Public Library, and Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University
* New bibliographic environment <strike>and Linked Data</strike>. This breakout session will provide opportunities for participants to explore <strike>and experiment with</strike> new and emerging models for bibliographic data, such as FRBR, the DCMI Abstract Model, and BIBFRAME within the context of Resource Description Framework (RDF) <strike>and Linked Data. <strike>Practical outcomes of the session will include converting MARC21 data into MARCXML and Dublin Core XML, using the BIBFRAME tool ( to transform MARCXML into BIBFRAME resources, and linking data values used as access points in MARC21 records to URIs from the Library of Congress’s Linked Data Service at</strike> Because this breakout will take the approach of <strike>supporting<strike> self-directed learning in a collaborative environment, participants will given time in <strike>for</strike> this session to review <strike>by reviewing</strike> the following (suggested) background material:
** RDA Relationships Oveview

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