Code4Lib Journal Recruit New Editors

Revision as of 13:08, 6 April 2012 by Edsu (Talk | contribs) (Announcement Text)

Revision as of 13:08, 6 April 2012 by Edsu (Talk | contribs) (Announcement Text)

Announcement Text

Have you ever wanted to help shape the conversation about what libraries, archives and museums can be like today and tomorrow? If you have, please consider joining the editorial team at Code4lib Journal. Code4lib Journal is a quarterly, open access, peer reviewed, WordPress driven online journal that serves the community of technologists working in the cultural heritage sector. The journal is in its 5th year of publication, and sees thousands of visitors a month from around the world.

As an editor you would be instrumental in deciding what content gets presented in the journal, and working with authors to help get their content online. There is also an opportunity to help out with the journal's backend infrastructure. If you would like to know more about what an editor for journal performs please see Code4lib Journal: Process and Structure.

If your interest is piqued please answer each question with just a few sentences:

  • What is your vision for the Code4Lib Journal? Why are you interested in it?
  • How can you contribute to the Code4Lib Journal? What do you have to offer?

Please send your responses to

Sincerely, The Editors.

Announcement Venues

When you make an announcement please add your initials and the date to the right of the list item: