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ILS Interop

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List of functionality
Level 1: Basic Discovery Interfaces
This level represents a minimal set of functions that are easily implemented and essential to support applications that provide discovery outside the ILS.
* HarvestBibliographicRecords (Data Aggregation, section 5.3.1)* HarvestExpandedRecords (Data Aggregationexpanded records include bib, section 5.3.2marc holdings, and item info)* GetAvailability (Real Time Search, section 6.3.1for a single title or a list)* GoToBibliographicRequestPage (basically the ability to link directly to an OPAC interaction, section 8.3.1full record page)
Level 2: Elementary OPAC supplement
All of the above, plus
* HarvestAuthorityRecords (Data Aggregation, section 5.3.3)* HarvestHoldingsRecords (Data Aggregation, section 5.3.4where 'holdings' generally refers to structured marc holdings as opposed to just item records)* GetRecords (Real Time Searchreal-time via identifiers, section 6.3.2as opposed to harvest)* Search (Real Time Search, section 6.3.3)* Scan (Real Time Search, section 6.3.4support browse)* GetAuthorityRecords (Real Time Search, section 6.3.5)* Either OutputRewritablePage or OutputIntermediateFormat (OPAC Interaction, sections 8.3.2 and 8.3.3)
Level 3: Elementary OPAC alternative
All of the above, plus
* LookupPatron (Patron FunctionalityI think this was going from a possible external identifier, section 7.2.1like campus ID, to the internal ILS identifier)* AuthenticatePatron (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.2)* GetPatronInfo (Patron Functionalityfines, section 7.2holds, loans, recalls, messages, etc.3)* GetPatronStatus (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.4)* GetServices (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.5services available for a particular item for a particular patron)* RenewLoan (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.6)* HoldTitle (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.7)* HoldItem (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.8)* CancelHold (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.9)* RecallItem (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.10)* CancelRecall (Patron Functionality, section 7.2.11)
Level 4: Robust/domain specific discovery platforms
All of the above, plus
* SearchCourseReserves (Real Time Search, section 6.3.6; for academic libraries)* Explain (Real Time Search, section 6.3.7this is really a placeholder for an SRU type explain that says which functions have been implemented)* Both OutputRewritablePage and OutputIntermediateFormat (OPAC Interaction, sections 8.3.2 and 8.3.3)
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