

39 bytes added, 13:46, 30 May 2018
Added C4L DMV 2018 meetup info.
= = Code4Lib DMV (previously MDC - Washington D.C, Maryland, Virginia) ==We want to bring the code{4}lib experience to the library community in the Maryland, Washington , D.C etc. =, and the great Commonwealth of Virginia area. Our hope is that meeting at the regional level will strengthen local connections and help us develop more real-world collaboration.
The group first formed in 2009, met quarterly beginning in fall 2011 and through the end of 2012, and once per year in 2014 and 2015. We want 've enjoyed a number of in depth technical presentations on a variety of topics. Meetings have been free to bring attend. Past host institutions have been NAL, the code{4}lib experience to the library community Smithsonian, GWU, Arlington Public Library, and University of Maryland College Park. If you are in the Maryland and Washington area, please do feel free to drop in. Our hope is that meeting at If you are unable to make it in person, check with the regional level will strengthen our local connections and develops more real world collaborative effortshosts to see if distance participation is an option.
== Next Meeting ==
===Code4Lib DMV 2018 meetup===
August 3, 2018<br/>
McKeldin Library<br/>
Room 6017<br/>
University of Maryland<br/>
College Park, MD 20742
'''The FridayAll registration, July 17 Meeting planning, and logistical information at NAL has been postponed to August 5th[[MDC/2018|C4L DMV 2018 Meetup Page]].'''
The August 5th meeting will be a joint meeting between code{4}libMDC and the DC Fedora Users Group. The meeting will be held on August 5== Last Meeting =====Code4Lib DMV 2017 meetup===July 13, 2009 at NAL2017<br/>Gelman Library<br/>George Washington University<br/>Washington, this meeting will serve as the first meeting of the DC Fedora Users Group and the second meeting of code{4}libMDC. We have confirmed the meeting will be attended by Thornton (Thorny) Staples, Director of Community Strategy and Outreach for the Fedora project and Andrew Woods, Senior Developer with the DuraSpace organization. More details will follow in the coming weeks.
== Previous Meetings ==
Note: Detailed information about previous meetings has been migrated to the pages linked below.Code4LibMDC had it's first meeting on Friday April 3, at the * [http:[MDC// National Agricultural Library2017|July 13, 2017]] in Beltsville MD a.m. A total of 30 people attended including people from:USDAGelman Library, NASAGeorge Washington University, National Agricultural LibraryWashington,DC.* [[MDC/2015|August 11-12, 2015]]: McKeldin Library , University of CongressMaryland,The Supreme Court LibraryCollege Park,MD.The United States Senate * [[MDC/2014|August 11-12, 2014]]: Gelman Library,National Oceanic Atmospheric AdministrationGeorge Washington University, Washington, DC'''Contents'''  1. Welcome by Maria Pisa* [[MDC/2012#September_13|September 13, NAL's Associate Director for Public Services 22012]]: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC. Individual introductions 3. Presentations · John Doyle from the * [[MDC/2012#June_27|June 27, 2012]]: Smithsonian National Library of Medicine (NLM) gave a presentation on the use Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC.* [[MDC/2012#April_10|April 10, 2012]]: [http://wwwlibrary.fedora-commonsgwu.orgedu/ Fedora CommonsThe George Washington University Gelman Library] at NLM, Washington, DC. · Vernon Chapman from the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) gave a presentation on Searching * [[MDC/2012#January_10|January 10, 2012]]: [http://wwwlibrary.openarchivesgwu.orgedu/OAI/openarchivesprotocolThe George Washington University Gelman Library], Washington, DC.html OAI-PMH* [[MDC/2011#September_13|September 13, 2011] metadata with ]: [http://lucenelibrary.apachearlingtonva.orgus/solrDepartments/ SOLRLibraries/LibrariesMain.aspx Arlington Public Library Central Branch]. 4. Discussion of Next steps for Code4LibMDC · What will this group to be? · Open to all in the library communityArlington, VA. · Showcase of library technology* [[MDC/2009#August_5|August 5, 2009]]: Joint meeting, at [http://nal. · Formula for sharing of National Agricultural Library] in Beltsville, MD, between code {4}libMDC and ideas. · A place for the development of collaborate projectsDC Fedora Users Group. · How to get involved? · Prepare presentation on what you are currently working on* [[MDC/2009#April_3|April 3, 2009]]: · Preparing for a new ILS. · Metadata translation · Digital repositories · Share ideas. · Join smaller a hoc meetings. · Set up a local Listserv for this group. 5. Scheduling · Meet quarterly for face to face meetings · Hosted Inaugural meeting at sites in the area[http://nal. · Vote on location of meeting on local National Agricultural Library] in Beltsville MD.