
Open Source Book Widgets

742 bytes added, 22:38, 6 April 2009
Saved back to the last good version, wiping out spam revisions
List of Existing Open Source Book Widget Software and Projects
gerbhukvqlne <a href=" ">lancashire seventeenth century</a> wgohugnrelh <a href=" ">young teens models</a>Amazon Book Picture ==
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gehrnbgvqlwn <'''License:''' unknown '''Description:''' Include a hrefsimple tag with a books asin or isbn in your posts which is replaced by an image of that book from amazon.  =" = Amazon Einzeltitellinks == '''Author: ''' Dietmar Mitterer-Zublasing '''Plugin homepage:''' http://virbwordpress.comorg/agamemnon ">forced sex free<extend/a> egnqegknwjf <a hrefplugins/amazon-einzeltitellinks/ '''License:''' unknown '''Description:''' Includes book cover and link (option: with amazon partner id) to amazon in blog posting.  =" = Amazon Ottawa Public Library Linky == '''Author: '''Bryan Larson '''Plugin homepage:''' '''License:''' unknown '''Description:''' Search the Ottawa Public Library Catalog from Amazon book listings  == Amazon Showcase Wordpress Widget == '''Author: '''Aaron Forgue '''Plugin homepage:''' ">exgirlfriend sex<projects/amazon-showcase '''License:''' GNU GPL '''Description:''' Amazon Showcase is a>Wordpress Widget/Plugin for showcasing items from Amazon. Simply enter the ASIN/ISBN numbers of any products and optionally enter an Associate ID for earning commissions. The product image will be displayed with a link to the product detail page on
== bookdatadownloader ==