
2013 talks proposals

948 bytes added, 20:11, 2 November 2012
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I will show 'guts' of the new citation search for astrophysics, it is generic and can be applied recursively to any Lucene query. Some people would call it a second-order operation because it works with the results of the previous (search) function. The talk will see technical details of the special query class, its collectors, how to add a new search operator and how to influence relevance scores. Then you can type with me: friends_of(friends_of(cited_for(keyword:"black holes") AND keyword:"red dwarf"))
== Managing Segmented Images and Hierarchical Collections with Fedora-Commons and Solr ==
* David Lacy, Villanova University, david DOT lacy AT
Many of the resources within our digital library are split into parts -- newspapers, scrapbooks and journals being examples of collections of individual scanned pages. In some cases, groups of pages within a collection, or segments within a particular page, may also represent chapters or articles.
We recently devised a procedure to extract these "segmented resources" into their own objects within our repository, and index them individually in our Discovery Layer.
In this talk I will explain how we dissected and organized these newly created resources with an extension to our Fedora Model, and how we make them discoverable through Solr configurations that facilitate browsable hierarchical relationships and field-collapsed results that group items within relevant resources.