
Umlaut Installation

284 bytes added, 19:31, 1 July 2009
4. Install Umlaut
Right now, the best (only) way to install Umlaut is from it's SVN store.
For a read-only checkoutof Umlaut 2.10.0 (If there is a more recent version, hopefully I'll remember to update it here, or ask me, or look around in the svn repo. 1 July 09):
svn checkout 2.10.0 ./Umlaut
svn checkout svn+ssh://(developername) tags/2.10.0 ./Umlaut
If you are a developer who wants the latest in-progress version of umlaut, check out /trunk instead of /tags/2.10.0.
Umlaut comes with a number of Ruby gems and Rails plugins "frozen" into it's distribution, in vendor/plugins. You do not need to install these, they come with Umlaut. These include: json_pure ; sru; xisbn; enumerations_mixin (plugin) ; app_config (plugin); isbn-tools (plugin) ; openurl ( svn external link in plugin; needs to be fixed to link to a specific tag ); htmlentities (