
Auth Module

32 bytes added, 19:16, 19 October 2009
UmlautAuth Plugin
=== UmlautAuth Plugin ===
The following files makeup the UmlautAuth module to extend the functionality of Authlogic for our purposes. They could probably be moved into the UserSession module, but may be useful as a template for further localization.
* ==== vendor/plugins/umlaut_auth/lib/acts_as_authentic.rb====
Extends the authlogic user model to ignore passwords, reset_persistence_token when the username changes, manage stale data (via expiration date), and handle user attributes hash.
* ==== vendor/plugins/umlaut_auth/lib/session.rb====
Establishes callback functions before_login, after_login, before_logout, after_logout, on_every_request as well as public methods login_url, logout_url for setting external login and logouts. The after_login callback is a bit of a hack since it only runs when the controller action is "validate." It also has private methods validate_url (for sending to external logins) and session_user (for setting the session_user attributes).
* ==== vendor/plugins/umlaut_auth/umlaut_auth.rb====
Loads the relevant auth modules from configuration. (Only tested with one auth module. Probably won't work yet for multiple auto modules.)
* ==== vendor/plugins/umlaut_auth/generators/umlaut_auth/umlaut_auth_generator.rb====
Uses the umlaut_auth template to create stubs for UmlautAuth localization.