
Zoia or the Code4Lib IRC bot

520 bytes added, 15:03, 31 January 2013
What does it do?
Some examples are on the [ main Code4Lib IRC FAQ page] and more are listed below to get you started.
If you want to see a list of commandsplugins, you can ask Zoia directly:
<pre lang="text"tt>/msg zoia @list<br> :<zoia> Acronym, Admin, Amazon, Anagram, Anonymous, ArtisanalIntegers, Assorted, Astro, AudioScrobbler, Babelfish, Band, Blame, Calais, Cast, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, CyborgName, DBpedia, Debian, Delicious, Dict, Disclaimer, Disemvowel, Dunno, Eef, Etymology, FOAF, Filter, Fireworks, Fixit, Games, GasPrices, Gender, GeoIP, Git, Google, Greeter, Helpers, Herald, IPTools, Insult, Internet, IsItDown, Karma, Kombat, (2 more messages)<br>@more<br> :<zoia> LCSH, Later, Levenshtein, LibraryThing, Linux, Lisppaste, Lolcat, Lolz, LoveHate, MARC, Math, Misc, Motivate, NACO, Nadsat, Nickometer, OCLC, Oblique, OpenDict, Owner, PDPC, Pinky, Pirate, Poll, Praise, Presidents, Quote, Reply, Sarge, Scrabble, Seen, Services, Sing, SocialGraph, StackEx, Stopwords, Tantrum, Todo, Traffic, Translators, TrueTrue, Twitter, TwitterSnarfer, URL, Uberblic, UnglueIt, Unicode, Unix, (1 more message)<br></prett>
Note -- if you are experimenting and learning about commands, it is a good idea to send private messages to Zoia directly (using <tt>/msg zoia ''[command]''</tt>) rather than directly in channel (e.g. <tt>@''[command]''</tt>).
Unless, that is, you want everyone to watch you experimenting.
Each plugin has zero or more commands that it can perform.
The <tt>@list</tt> command is also used to see what commands are available in a plugin:
@list Lolz<br>
:<zoia> lolz
So the <tt>Lolz</tt> plugin has one command: <tt>lolz</tt>
To see how to run the command, use <tt>@help</tt>
@help lolz<br>
:<zoia> (lolz <phrase>) -- Translates English into Lolcat using
To run the command, precede it with an at-sign ('@') in the channel:
:<zoia> OH HAI THAR
==Registering with Zoia==