
How to hack code4lib

1 byte removed, 07:56, 18 November 2009
'at least be funny' was somehow a bit harsh; will make wallflowers self-conscious
code4lib is jammed with characters who are passionate about some aspect of our profession. Ask a question or two then sit back and bask in the output. Don't worry, you'll have the chance to talk about what you are working on when your companion stops to drink beer.
=== If you don't have a lot to share, at least just be funny friendly ===
My dirty little non-secret is that I love code4lib but I'm not a programmer, or even a sysadmin anymore. I'm a manager of these type of folks and I love hearing what's new. I often don't have much to offer in terms of pythons or rubies, but most people can appreciate a sense of humor.
Anonymous user