
2014 Prepared Talk Proposals

884 bytes added, 15:23, 5 November 2013
Leap Motion + Rare Books: A hands-free way to view and interact with rare books in 3D
This talk with discuss the technologies used in developing the application and virtually any library could implement the application with virtually no coding at all. This presentation will have a demonstration of the software and also a chance for audience members to experience the Rare Book Leap Motion App themselves.
== Course Reserves Unleashed! ==
* Bobbi Fox, Library Technology Services, Harvard University,
* Gloria Korsman, Andover-Harvard Theological Library
** No previous Code4Lib presentations
Hey kids! Remember when SOAP was used for something other than washing? Our sophisticated (and highly functional) Course Reserves Request system does!
However, while the system is great for submitting and processing course reserve requests, the student-facing presentation through Havard’s home-grown -- and soon to be replaced -- LMS leaves a lot to be desired.
Follow along as we leverage Solr 4 as a No-SQL database, along with more progressive RESTful API techniques, to release Reserves data into the wild without interfering with reserves request processing -- and, in the process, open up the opportunity for other schools to feed their data in as well.