
2014 Breakout I (Tuesday)

1,202 bytes added, 14:13, 27 March 2014
Notes are based off the Tweets made by the group during the discussion:
*What will workflows will look like after Linked Data and BIBFRAME are actually pushed out?
*How to best use controlled vocabularies, including various/local controlled vocabularies, in linked data work?
*Will the protectiveness of quality by catalogers become thing of past?
*Good thing about RDF, semantic metadata structure is that is creates a good skeleton that can last through system changes.
*Talked about OpenRefine, Freebase, Linked Data/Semantic Web examples
*Shout out for the Open Metadata Registry -
*RDFa allows multiple property values inline- more details than , starts to approach MARC richness
*Wariness of simplicity (particularly of Dublin Core) due to the possibility of overloading elements, thus blocking interoperability with other schemas.
*There is the possible issue of every library creating their own ontologies, thus reinventing the wheel.
*Discussion of how long-term cataloging employees will handle this linked data 'revolution', how to best oversee these changes with catalogers dragging their feet.