
What should Code4Lib NorCal Do?

362 bytes added, 02:11, 6 August 2015
add c4lnc category
**San Luis Obispo would be good for NorCal SoCal meetups.
**UC Berkeley and Stanford might be good hosts.
**California Library Association meeting is in Oakland this year, November 7-9. Oakland Samuel Merritt University in Oakland could host something for Code4Lib NorCal.
**Internet Archive? Maybe a tour or a hackathon there?
**Aaron Collier will reach out to the SoCal people to find out if anyone would want to do a joint meeting.
**West Coast representation at National Code4Lib tends to be light. How can we make west coast libs more aware? Outreach to tech librarians.
**Could we sponsor a diversity scholarship to National Code4Lib meeting? In conjunction with SoCal group. $500 should be enough to help get someone there. **More outreach to the non-profit open access, open data, hackerspace communities. Big presence of these in the Bay Area. The [ Common Crawl Foundation] is one that immediately comes to mind, as does [ Code for America] where I've attended meetup events in the past
* Types of events:
**We should advocate for more capacity at National Code4Lib (although it's tricky to find a balance between being open to people who want to come and maintaining a small conference)
**If we want to start thinking about hosting National Code4Lib in California we should start taking as a group. Might also want to collaborate with SoCal to find a good location.
[[Category:Code4Lib Norcal]]