
Code4lib Mid-Atlantic

508 bytes removed, 15:59, 5 March 2015
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== Proposal to host 2016 National Conference in Philadelphia ==
This is our next big project* Our proposal: [c4l-phl. Please join us in our planning efforts! Planning events will be advertised on the email listgithubWe need to:io]* secure Please note a host institution / facility* contact shared google docs folder has been created as a conference planning agencyworkspace. If you need to be added, get an estimate for their time/work and a sense of please contact someone on the budget we're looking at* build a host planning committee Our next planning meeting will be at 10am on Tuesday 28 Oct, 2014. We'll meet either directly or via google hangouts. We'll check in on our progress and determine next steps.I need your google account to invite you to the hangout! I have google account info for the following people:* Chad* Chelsea* Mark* Tim* David Lcode4lib-midatlantic mailing list.* David U.* Chris* Daniel I don't have We meet on google accounts for (but have reason to suspect you'd like to join)hangouts using this link [https:* Steven N//plusIf I don't know your google account I can't invite you! Please send it to me. I have a gmail address (anna3LC).com/hangouts/_/gzsx2gu7iazevjakorhovcfwuia]
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