

112 bytes added, 19:31, 25 April 2015
no edit summary
* WOS, sci2 + network visualizations -- Cody Behles
* Depending on time: DPLA API, LODRefine (Linked Open Data Refine) & Open Authorities Reconciliation -- Christina Harlow
We'll then take a coffee and food break as needed. Some coffee, tea and local treats from Magpie's Bakery will be provided.
Please register below, and let us know if you are 1. able to share skills or 2. will be bringing your own data. Neither of these are required for attendance.
Questions or issues? Email Christina at charlow2@utk.eduTravel information is being sent directly to those registered. Ask Christina if you didn't receive these.
== Future Events ==
* Summer - Fall 2015 will be in Greenville, SC (Sarah Shealy contact)
* Winter-Spring 2015 will be at the Woodruff LIbrary, Emory University, Atlanta Georgia (Laura Akermancontact)