
Umlaut Technical Overview

7 bytes added, 16:45, 24 December 2007
Request caching
So the first thing the resolve action does is pass the incoming HTTP request details to the Umlaut Request#new_request method, which will ''''either'''' create a new Request, or recover an already created Request from the db--in either case return a Request matching the OpenURL.
====Request caching/re-use====
The point of this re-use of Request objects is that if the user presses the browser reload button, the app should be connected with the same already created request--allowing the same already generated responses to be used, among other things. This also allows the user to click on various Umlaut functions and keep re-using the same Request. Again, the main reason this is important is to re-use already generated responses instead of re-generating them. This is also important for background service processing.