
Umlaut Technical Overview

1,729 bytes added, 16:59, 26 December 2007
Building the service Collection: Institutions and Services
===Building the service Collection: Institutions and Services===
So we've got the request taken care of. What are we going to do with it?
The actions taken in response to a request (to 'resolve' it and provide information to the client or user) are taken in umlaut by Services. A Service is defined in your local configuration in $umlaut/config/umlaut_config/services.yml. A sample services.yml file is included in $umlaut/config/umlaut_distribution/services.yml-dist.
Each service defined in services.yml has at minimum three properties: An unique identifier for that service, a priority level, and a "type".
The "type" is the name of an 'adaptor' class implementing the logic for this service. Service adaptor classes are stored in $umlaut/lib/service_adaptors. (We will extend this in the future to allow locally defined service_adaptors, perhaps in $umlaut/lib/service_adaptors/local ). So there's a service_adaptor for Amazon, for worldcat, etc. Most importantly, there's one for SFX---SFX connectivity is achieved through defining a service that uses a 'type' that talks to an SFX server , just like other services. (At least for 'resolve' actions; 'search' actions are a bit different).
Priority defines what order the services will be run in. 1-9 are foreground services ordinarily executed before a response is returned to the user. a-z are background services run after a response is returned to the user. Two services sharing the same priority will be run concurrently (but see the config.app_config.threaded_services config param).
Services defined in services.yml may have other service-specific parameters too, for instance commonly a password or api_key giving you access to the foreign web service.