
2012 talks proposals

10 bytes removed, 21:53, 20 November 2011
The ARCHIVEMATICA digital preservation system
* Courtney Mumma, Archivematica Community Manager, [ Artefactual Systems], courtney at artefactual dot com
The open source (AGPL3) [ Archivematica] digital preservation system uses a micro-services architecture to integrate a suite of Linux utilities into workflow pipelines. It is designed as a backend tool for archivists and librarians managing digital collections and digital preservation responsibilities. We use Google Gearman for job scheduling and load balancing as well as Django (python) for a web-based administration interface that monitors and controls the processing of files in the pipelines. The system creates standards-compliant (e.g. METS, PREMIS, Bagit) archival packages as well as a registry interface to monitor format policies. This system is designed to provide the technical component for ISO 14721 (OAIS) and ISO 16363 (TRAC) compliant Trusthworthy Digital Repositories. The recent 0.8 release is the last alpha. Over winter 2012 we are continuing with scalability testing and tuning, adding ElasticSearch indexing, SWORD deposit support, interfaces for Dspace, ContentDM, XTF; all for inclusion in the 0.9-beta release sometime in Spring 2012. The presentation will give a quick overview demo of Archivematica's technical architecture features as well as discuss technical architecture, APIs, development roadmap, user base, project management, community building, and preferably leave time for audience questionsproject management, etc.
[[Category: Code4Lib2012]]