
Zoia or the Code4Lib IRC bot

481 bytes added, 16:48, 24 January 2013
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It was named after the famous librarian, [ Zoia Horn], who is considered to be the first librarian ever to be jailed for refusing to divulge information that violated her belief in intellectual freedom.
====Where is the code?====
* It is on GitHub: []
====What does it do?====
zoia: Pray sir, if I input the wrong commands, will egspoony output the right results?
mistym: @roll 1d161
zoia: mistym: grow it out!
* @bame
mistym: @bame [1d161] mistym
zoia: mistym: your problem is you didn't build it out of bacon
mistym: @bame [roll 1d161] mistym
* @kombat
MrDys: @kombat I kano fatality
zoia: MrDys: kano's fatality: Hold BL,B,B,LP
=====More commands=====
Acronym, Admin, Amazon, Anagram, Anonymous, ArtisanalIntegers, Assorted, Astro, AudioScrobbler, Babelfish, Band, Blame, Calais, Cast, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, CyborgName, DBpedia, Debian, Delicious, Dict, Disclaimer, Disemvowel, Dunno, Eef, Etymology, FOAF, Filter, Fireworks, Fixit, Games, GasPrices, Gender, GeoIP, Git, Google, Greeter, Helpers, Herald, IPTools, Insult, Internet, IsItDown, Karma, Kombat, LCSH, Later, Levenshtein, LibraryThing, Linux, Lisppaste, Lolcat, Lolz, LoveHate, MARC, Math, Misc, Motivate, NACO, Nadsat, Nickometer, OCLC, Oblique, OpenDict, Owner, PDPC, Pinky, Pirate, Poll, Praise, Presidents, Quote, Reply, Sarge, Scrabble, Seen, Services, Sing, SocialGraph, StackEx, Stopwords, Tantrum, Todo, Traffic, Translators, TrueTrue, Twitter, TwitterSnarfer, URL, Uberblic, UnglueIt, Unicode, Unix, UrbanDict, User, WOTD, Web2, Webopedia, Wikileaks, WoGroFuBiCo, Wolfram, WordCount, WordStats, WrestlingName, Wunderground, Yelp, Yum, Zalgo, Zen, and Zillow