C4L2011 registration

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Registration for Code4Lib 2011 is now full.

Presenters and those who wish to be placed on a wait list, contact Julie Wernert at jwernert@indiana.edu.

Questions about Registration, Melissa Kocias iuconfs@indiana.edu

Registration is still open for presenters, but they are requested to complete the registration process by December 23, 2010. (See note, below)

Registration Page for Code4Lib 2011 (in Bloomington, IN)

Welcome to the registration for Code4Lib 2011! Registration for Code4Lib 2011 is now closed - we have reached our conference limit, if you are interested in being added to the wait list please contact Julie Wernert - jwernert at indiana dot edu.

If you are interested in attending a preconference, you might want to open another browser tab with the 2011 Preconference Proposals. The cost for the conference is $130; attending the preconference session(s) costs an additional $15 for each half-day session. Our one full-day pre-conference, CURATEcamp Hackfest, is being sponsored by the Digital Library Federation and is open to the first 50 people to register for it at no-cost. {Thanks DLF!!!}.

Note: If you are a [conference presenter, preconference presenter], and have not registered you will receive a link to get registered - we will save your spot but please try to register by Dec 23, 2010 (all accepted presenters are listed on the 2011 presenter list. We will hold a slot for you, your registration slot is guaranteed until December 23nd. If you are a scholarship recipient you will get a special code to register for the conference in a separate email.

Registration will open on December 13 at 12 PM EST. If you'd like to attend, please go to the registration site and register, once registration is full you can also add your name to the wait list. Often people have to cancel, and when they do, we will be filling their slots with people from the waiting list.

Don't forget, after you register, go ahead and book a room in the conference hotel. This will ensure you get to take advantage of our negotiated rate. A [] will be included in the email that is sent as your registration confirmation.

If you have any questions about this process, feel free to ask questions on the conference planning list.

Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you all in Bloomington, IN in February 2011!

Code4Lib 2011 Local Proposal Team

Robert H. McDonald, Associate Dean for Library Technologies and Digital Libraries

Chanitra Bishop, Emerging Technologies Librarian

Gary Charbonneau, Systems Librarian

Diane Dallis, Associate Dean for Library Academic Services

Jon Dunn, Director, Library Technologies and Digital Libraries

Mike Durbin, Infrastructure Programmer, DLP

Julie Hardesty, Usability Designer, DLP

Mary Popp, Discovery and User Experience Librarian

Dot Porter, Associate Director for Digital Library Content and Services

Vern Wilkins, Associate Director, Library Technology Core Services