C4l2012 rideshare
[hide]Seattle Tacoma International Airport
See also travel advice from the hosts
Name | Flight Arriving | Renting Car? | Share rental cost? | Gas? | Driving? | Van? | Sign-Up? |
yourname/email | date/time | yes/no | yes/no | yes/no | who's the driver? | yes/no | # of people you can take |
Name | Flight Departing | Renting Car? | Share rental cost? | Gas? | Driving? | Van? | Sign-Up? |
yourname/email | date/time | yes/no | yes/no | yes/no | who's the driver? | yes/no | # of people you can take |
Public Transit from the Airport
Light Rail: The Central Link Light Rail station will be located near the northeast corner of the main airport parking garage, directly connecting pedestrians to the airport ticketing concourse and SeaTac's City Center. The light rail offers a 36-minute ride from the airport to Downtown Seattle.
Get off at the Pioneer Square station. The hotel is 7 blocks from the station (0.4 miles) and the walk includes a steep hill, so plan to take a bus, a cab, or be out of breath by the time you get to the hotel. The easiest transit connection is to walk up Third to Marion, and take the #12 up the hill. It's a free ride till 7 p.m. Trolley stops across the street (6th Ave) from the hotel.
Fare: <$3 for light rail
samk -- Have 2 double beds at the conference hotel, need only one. Human male, typically easy going. -
Alex Rolfe I also have 2 double beds at the conference hotel, for the 5th-8th, and would be happy to have a roommate for all or part of it. Human male, also easygoing. Contact me at arolfe@georgefox.edu. -
Bobbi Fox -- Have reservation (Sunday eve. through Thurs .am.) at conference hotel, woman looking for another woman to share -
Tim Clarke -- I also have a reservation at the Renaissance Seattle for 2 double beds, only need one. (Sunday 3 p.m. through Friday Noon.) I expect to bring Victory and Weyerbacher to share, so I'll seem easygoing. Please email tclarke@muhlenberg.edu. - Gabriel Farrell Human male, easy going, extra double bed, conference hotel, tonight (Sunday) through Thursday.
Other places to stay
TripAdvisor Also if anyone has suggestions.
- Hotel Monaco - .2 mi (1101 4th Avenue, Seattle, WA)
- Green Tortise Hostel, $28.50 - $32.50/person in shared dorm rooms - .6 mi (105 1/2 Pike St)
- Executive Hotel Pacific $99 (Also available a 20% discount with advance purchase - full payment upfront required) - .1 miles (400 Spring St).
- These guys have free wifi if you book the "executive" package, which is $109 (which was the only option available when I looked).
- Hotel Vintage Park, $153 (king) and $143 (queen) with AAA discount. Might have government rates, not sure.
Bus distance
- College Inn (bus ride away)