shell of a page for books we can ask for
= Book Raffle =
It would be nice to hit up some publishers for books to raffle off at the conference. If you've got ideas add them below under the name of the publisher. Most tech publishers have user group coordinators that are more than happy to make donations available.
== O'Reilly ==
== Manning ==
* [http://manning.com/passin/ Explorer's Guide to the Semantic Web]
== APress ==
== Pragmatic Programmers ==
== Morgan Kaufmann ==
* [http://www.elsevierdirect.com/product.jsp?isbn=9780123735560 Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist]
It would be nice to hit up some publishers for books to raffle off at the conference. If you've got ideas add them below under the name of the publisher. Most tech publishers have user group coordinators that are more than happy to make donations available.
== O'Reilly ==
== Manning ==
* [http://manning.com/passin/ Explorer's Guide to the Semantic Web]
== APress ==
== Pragmatic Programmers ==
== Morgan Kaufmann ==
* [http://www.elsevierdirect.com/product.jsp?isbn=9780123735560 Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist]