,Ian's slides
===Next MeetupRegister===Date: Thursday, December 13 - 5:30pm<br>Location: Robarts Library at University of Toronto, [http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=130+St+George+St,+Toronto,+ON&sll=43.662749,-79.395962&sspn=0.012962,0.018454&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=addr 130 St. George Street, Toronto]<br>Social: TBD, suggestions?
===Schedule=Ideas for Later Meetups====Ideas: There have been an number of ideas floating around for what we can do at meetups* Mini Workshop/Hacktime** Github basics* Pears and Nachos** basically we pair up as mentor/mentee for person A ''Subject to teach something person B is interested in learningchange''
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding=Past Meetups=="2" class="wikitable"The first meetup was a simple social meetup on June 21|-! ! Thursday May 30! Friday May 31|-| 10:00-10:30| Doors open, 2012. The idea is that other meetups will have presentationscoffee/talks to be had either before or during.snacks| Doors open, coffee/snacks|-| 10:30-12:00| Opening Remarks 10
''Morning break 'Purpose:''' To connect with other code4libbers in the area and start building a code4lib community in Ottawa, Ontario
Why Vue.JS (Rachel W.) [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14xDy2ylz0JoNm4n8hV2ApfH-dtEUwy7Wq96OnRJpTkI/edit?usp===Past Meetups===sharing Slides]] 15
| '''Devin Crawley''' from the Ottawa Public Library gave us a quick preview of the API to their BiblioCommons catalogue. The API will be publicly available this fall.12:00-13:30| LUNCH| LUNCH
| '''William Wueppelmann''' talked about what's going on at Canadiana.org and how they host and manage their huge digital collection and their efforts to achieve certification as a Trusted Digital Repository 13:30-14:00| Cluster Computing for Humans -OR- Have you heard of this HPCPack? (TDRTim R.)[[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Jr18eiRO5nseSEz_Dtk8ofnlm1MyI2rTZblRWs2a0MY/edit#slide=id.p Slides]]| Lightning Talks (PowerBI & Jupyter notebooks - Tim R., PyMarc - John D. [[https://slides.com/jdingle/c4l19n Slides]])
| '''[[User14:Bethmaru00-15:00|Mary Beth Baker]]''' spoke about the [[North/Possible Collaborators Ottawa|local tech scene in Ottawa]] Hackfest and got us to consider the potential for collaboration with other groups.group discussions|} '''April 24, 2012 - Show Hackfest and Tell Session'''{| border=1! Presenter! Description of Talkgroup discussions
| [http15://twitter.com/maxneuvians Max Neuvians] 00-15:15|''Afternoon break''| [http://social-biblio.ca/ Social-biblio.ca] : An approach to Twitter data visualization, archiving, and the larger narrative.''Afternoon break''
| [http15://twitter.com/scilib Richard Akerman] 15-16:30|Hackfest and group discussions continue| [http://twitter.com/scilib Richard Akerman] Hackfest and [httpgroup discussions continue 16://twitter.com/bethmaru Mary Beth Baker] are organizing a Reading Garden at the upcoming Canadian Library Association conference. They are seeking advice on how to provide wireless access. Anyone with ideas is encouraged to get in touch with them.15 - Wrap-up and closing remarks
| 17:30| Social - [httphttps://twitterwww.meritbrewing.comca/warlayton Warren LaytonMERIT Brewing] || A quick demo of , [httphttps://wwwgoo.jasongriffey.netgl/libraryboxmaps/ LibraryBox], a wireless filesharing device, which may have interesting applications in government and other libraries where IT restrictions can limit network usegHPqJHqCgEw3qA568 107 James St N.]|
{| class=== Schedule ===The schedule has now been moved to an editable google doc at : http://led.uwindsor.ca/c4ln otherwise known as: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dlTqrBNfiYwjRpVnUvJbtW0K7en1ndVp84WqWbfOrvE/edit"wikitable"! scope=== Cost ===This unconference runs on love... and the kindness of the Leddy Library who will provide : coffee, lunch, and wireless and the space"col" | '''Name'''! scope=== When and Where ==="col" | '''Topic'''Dates: May 24 and 25th, 2012 (it's on!)<br />Times: 9 am start time. 4 pm end time<br />Location: 4th Floor, Leddy Library, University of Windsor: http://www.uwindsor.ca/Google Map: http://tinyurl.com/7a79qvw<br />Contact: mita@uwindsor.ca<br /> scope=== Accommodation ===The University offers rooms and suites for travellers, youth, and families seeking overnight, short or extended accommodations through its [http://www.conferences.uwindsor.ca/accommodations-for-individuals-and-families Conference Services: description of services provided]. Use this [https://web4.uwindsor.ca/units/AEC/Hospitality/conferenceServices/Registrations.nsf/CODE4LIBNorth?OpenForm Registration Form] to book a room with Conference Services.<br /><br />In addition, University of Windsor special visit rates may be available by calling the local number and asking for the University of Windsor rate at certain hotels (which shouldn"col" | 't dissuade you from staying wherever you prefer):<br /><br />[http://his-windsor.com/ Holiday Inn Select]1855 Huron Church Road, WindsorTel: 1-800-465-4329 or 519-966-1200 ''Time (3 km from campus)<br />[http://hamptoninn.hilton.com/en/hp/hotels/index.jhtml?ctyhocn=YQGCNHX Hampton Inn & Suites]1840 Huron Church Road, WindsorTel: 8005 Min -Hampton or 519-972-0770 (3 km from campus30 min)'''<br />[http://www.qualityinn.com/hotel-windsor-canada-CN317 Quality Suites Downtown]250 Dougall Ave., WindsorTel: 519-977-9707 (3 km from campus)(frequently used hotel for participants in [http://projectconifer.ca Conifer] hackfests)<br />[http://www.ceasarswindsor.com/ Caesars Windsor]377 Riverside Dr. East, WindsorTel: 800-991-8888 (3 km from campus)<br />[http://www.windsorriversideinn.com/ The Windsor Riverside Inn]333 Riverside Dr. WestTel: 519-977-9777 (2 km from campus)<br />[http://www.travelodge.ca/hotel-search/list/windsor/all/ Travelodge Hotel Windsor Downtown Windsor]33 Riverside Dr. EastTel: 519-258-7774 (3 km from campus)<br /> There are no bed and breakfasts in the immediate area but the [http://www.bbcanada.com/ontario/southwestern_ontario/windsor Argyle and Olde Walkerville Bed and Breakfasts] are a bus ride away. ! scope=== Social Events === There"col" | 's nothing formal planned but on Wednesday and Thursday nights, we'll try 'Way to informally coordinate places to have supper together. <br /> I suggest that those around on Wednesday night meet up at the [http://www.rockbottom.ca/ Rock Bottom Grill] at 3236 Sandwich Streetcontact* (twitter, Windsor. It will busy because it's "2 for 1 Wing Night" but it should be worth it. <br />For those who love experimental filmemail, there is the [http://mediacityfilmfestivaletc.com/films-and-schedule-2012/ Media City Film Festival] taking place in Windsor and Detroit. Jason Scott aka textfiles will be speaking at the [http://www.aadl.org/events/list?id=14190 Ann Arbor Public Library] on Wednesday night<br /> === Food ===We will be providing lunch and snacks. (please email organizers if you have a dietary restriction - we will be ordering vegetarian options but we want to make sure we have enough!)<br />Generally folks informally gather for supper. <br />Here are some of our nearby options:[http://www.windsoreats.com/rest_search.php?rest_location=Windsor%20-%20West%20Windsor WindsorEats: Windsor West]<br />But there is much more if we wander farther afield: [http://www.windsoreats.com/ WindsorEats]<br />Near the university on Wyndotte Street are various Asian dining options including:* [http://www.restaurantica.com/on/windsor/eros-restaurant/23004000/ Eros Restaurant]* [http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/19/1482082/restaurant/Detroit/Windsor-Seoul-Windsor Windsor Seoul]* [http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/19/1648665/restaurant/Detroit/Bibim-To-Go-Windsor Bibim-To-Go]* [http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/19/1549919/restaurant/Detroit/Hoi-Sushi-Windsor Hoi Sushi]<br />And here's a list of places that could probably fit 40 people:* [http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/19/1549919/restaurant/Detroit/Hoi-Sushi-Windsor Hoi Sushi]* [http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/19/1426344/restaurant/Detroit/Bubis-Awsome-Eats-Windsor Bubis Awesome Eats]* [http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/19/1435280/restaurant/Detroit/Hurricanes-Windsor Hurricane's] === Format === A combination of 20 talks, 5 minute lightning talks, an Ask Anything session, workshops / hackfest time. We will try to find time for everyone who wants to present!<br />We have talks in the morning and hackfests in the afternoon. We will finalize the speaking schedule Thursday morning but we will try to split the talks between the two days equally. === 20 minutes talks :: feel free to sign up === {| border=1! Name! Title'
| Ted Lawless Kaitlin Newson || easyArticle - streamlining access to library materials with OpenURL, automated interlibrary loan submission, vendor APIs, Django/Python.Building a successful documentation initiative || 15 minutes || @kaitlinnewson
| Mita Williams Tim Ribaric || my sekret art project Cluster Computing for Humans? || 20 minutes || @elibtronic tribaric@brocku.ca
| John Fink and Warren LaytonSarah Romkey || Embedded Hardware HijinxHow we Github: a journey || 15 minutes || @ArchivesSarah sromkey@artefactual.com
| Alison Hitchens Rachel Wang || RDA for coders/systems folk [https://docsWhy Vue.google.com/openjs?id=0B|| 10 -0uT-iimjN0TEZLTUNVZ1JtN28 presentation in Google Docs]15 minutes || @rwangca
| Andrew McAlorum Thomas Guignard || Our favorite jQuery modules for Drupal 7Quick tricks to make your images look good || 10 minutes || @timtomch tom@timtom.ca
====Hackfest & Group Discussion Ideas====We will spend some time running HackFest & Breakout Discussions. Add your ideas here. {| borderclass=1"wikitable"! scope="col" | '''Name''' ! Titlescope="col" |-'''Idea'''! scope="col" | Nick Ruest || Other Redmine uses|-| Tim Ribaric || Circumvention using the Cloud? [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sPODaxy-XYkETVeqxY2ZVK8PGRnqyMELU3254E1gxWw/edit slides]|-| Alison Hitchens || '''Way to contact&#catcode: Cataloguers embrace Code Year [https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-0uT-iimjN0cFNZbXBHWkZvaG8 slides on Google docs]42;'''
| Mita Williams Thomas Guignard || "My god, it's full of <span style="text-decorationUpdate the [https:line//github.com/librarycarpentry/lc-through;">stars!<webscraping/span> lists": building Library Carpentry Web Scraping lesson] as part of the library website that will incorporate [httphttps://librarianlibrarycarpentry.newjackalmanac.caorg/2011blog/052019/code4lib03/lc-northmozilla-presentationglobal-were-jamunsprint/ Library Carpentry global sprint] || [https://twitter.html Jamuncom/timtomch @timtomch], [mailto:tom@timtom.ca tom@timtom.ca]
| Dan Chudnov Kaitlin Newson || occupy 1923Create a "Hosting Code4Lib North" page for the wiki || [https://twitter.com/kaitlinnewson @kaitlinnewson]
=== hackfest ideas :: feel free to add to the list Slack===*twitter bot war with code4lib The Great Eastern? http://wiki.code4lib.org/index.php/GreatEastern*changing Odessi XML records to MARC XML so OCUL libraries can load MARC for Odessi, esp. Stats Can stuff. We started this project at TUG, so need someone to help me get further or finish! New note: Chris put what he did so far on [https://github.com/lib-uoguelph-ca/ddi2marc-xml github](Alison)*[http://twitter.com/CanadianPoetry @CanadianPoetry] Sprint: [http://library.utoronto.ca/canpoetry Canadian Poetry Online] needs an overhaul! Canadian Poetry is a web anthology of contemporary Canadian poetry, providing biographies and full-text poems from Canada's leading poets. Join in this [http://drupal.org/node/247982 code sprint] to help with the migration to Drupal, site building, development, and theming of the new version. (Andrew)*[http://www.jasongriffey.net/librarybox/ LibraryBox] is a customized version of PirateBox that can run be run on the inexpensive TP-Link MR 3020. Currently, it acts as a simple file server but it could potentially offer a more library-focused service, such as [https://twitter.com/#!/djfiander/status/184315493157576704 an eBook server for nearby devices using OPDS]. (Warren)* [http://evergreen-ils.org/ Evergreen]: The Evergreen project is currently recruiting volunteers for the Google Summer of Code effort and has [http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:summer_of_coding_ideas#project_ideas a list of project ideas]. Some of these ideas, if not already claimed by a student GSoC participant, might make for interesting hackfest projects. Or we could rewrite the MARC editor in Dojo.* [https://github.com/wdenton/splurge/ SPLURGE]: The Scholars Portal Library Usage-Based Recommendation Engine began at a hackfest in February and has been worked on since then, but it needs one last push to get all of the pieces joined together so that an easy-to-use "people who borrowed this also borrowed that" service built on shared circ data can be tested. There are four parts to SPLURGE: data cleanup, getting it into a properly configured database, a web service that talks to the database, some Javascript that can dropped into a catalogue to talk to the web service. They all exist, but not all of them are quite done and they don't all talk to each other. The purpose of this hackfest project would be for people to familiarize themselves with the work that's been done, and then try to finish it up.
=== hashtag and twitter list VIA Rail discount===*c4ln2012*c4ln*https://twitter.com/#!/copystar/c4ln
=== Format Contact===Day 1:* Hackfest (send problems/proposals to John Fink and Nick Ruest)Day 2* 5-minute lighting talks* 20-minute talks* BOAF/breakouts
=== 5-minute lighting talks =Code4Lib North Past Events==
== First Meeting: Kingston ON, May 6-7, 2010 Code4lib North Meetups in Toronto==
'''May 6-7, 2010Website & Blog:''' * Thursday: 2pm-5:30pm, followed by dinner and drinks* Friday: 9am-4[https:30pm//code4libtoronto.github.io/ code4libtoronto.github.io]
* Mark Baker - Principal Architect at Zepheira provided a brief overview of some of Zepheira’s BibFrame tools in development.
* Jennifer Whitney - Systems Librarian at MacOdrum Library presented OpenRefine (formerly Google Refine) – a neat and powerful tool for cleaning up messy data.
* Sarah Simpkin, GIS and Geography Librarian & Catherine McGoveran, Government Information Librarian (both from UOttawa Library) - presented on a recent UOttawa sponsored Open Data Hackfest as well as to introduce you to Open Data Ottawa.
'''Location:''' MacOdrum Library, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Ottawa, ON ([https://www.google.ca/maps/place/1125+Colonel+By+Dr,+Carleton+University,+Ottawa,+ON+K1S+5R1/@45.3835317,-75.6975174,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x4cce067662eae8cf:0x9cd8d41fd34473d1 map])
'''April 30, 2013 - Meet, and share your favourite Library technology'''
'''June 13, 2012 - Lightning Talks'''
{| border=1
| William Denton || OpenFRBR '''Devin Crawley''' from the Ottawa Public Library gave us a quick preview of the API to their BiblioCommons catalogue. The API will be publicly available this fall.
| Walter Lewis || Exposing Linked Data '''William Wueppelmann''' talked about what's going on at Canadiana.org and how they host and manage their huge digital collection and their efforts to achieve certification as a Trusted Digital Repository (TDR).
| Art Rhyno '''[[User:Bethmaru|Mary Beth Baker]]''' spoke about the [[North/Possible Collaborators Ottawa| Open Layers local tech scene in Ottawa]] and Newspapers (Walter Lewis)got us to consider the potential for collaboration with other groups.|} '''April 24, 2012 - Show and Tell Session'''{| border=1! Presenter! Description of Talk
| MJ Suhonos [http://twitter.com/maxneuvians Max Neuvians] || [http://mytplsocial-biblio.ca Location/ Social-aware Mobile Searchbiblio.ca]: An approach to Twitter data visualization, archiving, and the larger narrative.
|Alan Harnum [http://twitter.com/scilib Richard Akerman] || Building A [http://betatwitter.torontopubliclibrary.cacom/ Library Websitescilib Richard Akerman] with and [http://www.endecatwitter.com/ Endecabethmaru Mary Beth Baker] technologyare organizing a Reading Garden at the upcoming Canadian Library Association conference. They are seeking advice on how to provide wireless access. Anyone with ideas is encouraged to get in touch with them.
==Code4lib North Meetups in Montreal==
'''Status''': Active
'''Purpose:''' To connect with other code4libbers in the area and start building a code4lib community in Montreal, Quebec. (blatantly copied from the Ottawa and Toronto groups)<br>
'''For more information:''' Please email Clara Turp (clara.turp@mcgill.ca) for more information.
'''Slack Channel and Hashtag:''' #code4lib-mtl
'''Wiki page:''' [[Code4Lib_Montreal]] - check here for upcoming or past meeting information.
== Who's interested in Code4Lib North? ==
Declare your interest in a Code4lib North chapter:
* [https://ernieejo.github.io/ Erin Johnson], [https://www.lib.uwo.ca/ Western Libraries]
* Wendy Huot, Queen's University
* Michael Vandenburg, Queen's University
* Robin Isard, Algoma University (Sault Ste Marie ON)
* Pat Moore, Carleton University (Ottawa ON)
* [http://wagathonalanharnum.tumblr.com/ ca Alan Harnum], Toronto Public LIbrary Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University (Toronto ON)
* Colin Prince, University of Toronto Libraries
* Tom Keays, Syracuse University LIbrary (Syracuse, NY)
* [http://twitter.com/edbilodeau Edward Bilodeau], [http://www.mcgill.ca/library/ McGill University]
* Andrew McAlorum, University of Toronto Libraries
* Marc d'Avernas, Waterloo Region District School Board
* Whitni Watkins, St. Lawrence University (Canton, NY)
* Jess Whyte, University of Toronto
== Meeting Location Suggestions for the Future Mailing list==