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Zoia or the Code4Lib IRC bot

599 bytes removed, 15:11, 31 January 2013
Other Tidbits: Removing section -- covered elsewhere
Acronym, Admin, Amazon, Anagram, Anonymous, ArtisanalIntegers, Assorted, Astro, AudioScrobbler, Babelfish, Band, Blame, Calais, Cast, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, CyborgName, DBpedia, Debian, Delicious, Dict, Disclaimer, Disemvowel, Dunno, Eef, Etymology, FOAF, Filter, Fireworks, Fixit, Games, GasPrices, Gender, GeoIP, Git, Google, Greeter, Helpers, Herald, IPTools, Insult, Internet, IsItDown, Karma, Kombat, LCSH, Later, Levenshtein, LibraryThing, Linux, Lisppaste, Lolcat, Lolz, LoveHate, MARC, Math, Misc, Motivate, NACO, Nadsat, Nickometer, OCLC, Oblique, OpenDict, Owner, PDPC, Pinky, Pirate, Poll, Praise, Presidents, Quote, Reply, Sarge, Scrabble, Seen, Services, Sing, SocialGraph, StackEx, Stopwords, Tantrum, Todo, Traffic, Translators, TrueTrue, Twitter, TwitterSnarfer, URL, Uberblic, UnglueIt, Unicode, Unix, UrbanDict, User, WOTD, Web2, Webopedia, Wikileaks, WoGroFuBiCo, Wolfram, WordCount, WordStats, WrestlingName, Wunderground, Yelp, Yum, Zalgo, Zen, and Zillow
==Other Tidbits==
* To see available commands in each plugin, private message Zoia like this:
@list UrbanDict
zoia: urbandict
@list Band
zoia: band and oldband
@list Dunno
zoia: add, change, get, remove, search, and stats
* To see what a command in a plugin does, private message Zoia like this:
@help search
zoia: (search <word>) -- Searches for <word> in the current configuration variables.
* Also find #code4lib helpers by private msg-ing Zoia:
@helpers #code4lib
zoia: List of active #code4lib helpers (@help helpers for details): anarchivist, gsf, mbklein, mistym, rsinger, ruebot
==How to hack it==

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