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2016 Code4Lib Midwest Meeting

579 bytes added, 20:37, 4 August 2016
===Presentations ===
(If you'd like to propose a workshop, talk to us.)
'''Talk Title''' - [Speaker Name]: [Description]
'''VIAF and Elasticsearch''' - Ralph LeVan, OCLC Research:
I'll give an overview of the technology supporting VIAF and our exercise to switch from our home-grown Pears database loading XML records and move to JSON-based Elasticsearch.([ Slides])
'''How not to work during a sabbatical''' - Eric Lease Morgan, University of Notre Dame:
'''Change''' - Ranti Junus and Megan Kudzia, Michigan State University
How do we make our organization|unit|team more accepting of change? How do we overcome preference vs. best practice? How do we know when a change is not the right answer? These are probably questions that we asked when a change is needed. Let's discuss the approach we employed on making change happens, or when we see that our vision of change is not what we think it should be. What works or doesn't for you?Google doc of the discussion is here:
===Lightning Talks===
Have something cool to share but you don't want to be in front of the room for more than 5 minutes? Lightning talks are for you. Sign up now or at the conference:
''' [ VIAF AutoSuggest]''' - Ralph LeVan
''' [ Getting Close to Accessible Slideshows]''' - Margaret Heller
''' A Very Quick & Dirty & Potentially Embarrassing Look at Docker''' - Michael Klein
''' Code4Lib Journal: No you can't see our data''' - Carol Bean. [ Blog post], and [ downloadable pptx file]

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