Reformatted/reorganized Details section and intro
'''DESIGNS ARE DUE BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2016 at 5 PM Pacific Standard Time'''
* Post an image file of Along with your print-ready proposal by editing this wiki page. You can host the image yourself or use the [[Special:Upload|Upload file]] feature of the wiki. If your print-ready document is different from your displayed image, include a link to the print-ready file.* Include your name , and email address with your proposal.* If you want, you can add a line or two of explanatory text, color specifications, etc., which will be included with your design when voting begins.
* Place a horizontal rule (----) on a separate line after your submission.
* Original art only, please!
* The screen-printers generally need vector art files (ai, .cdr, .eps & .pdf). If you need help converting your design to one of these file formats, email Shira.
The t-shirt color will (probably) be black, but we can look into changing the assumed t-shirt color depending on the design that is ultimately selected. If the winning design's assumed color of the winning design is something other than the traditional black, we will try to get the t-shirts in the requested color. If that color is not feasible, the logo will default to white or gray, depending on the requested design contrast, on a black t-shirt. (Please stick to a color scheme that folks who are colorblind will be able to see.)
==Sample Submission==