,added list of confirmed talks/sessions
'''Code of Conduct''': As a Code4Lib event, we adhere to the [http://bit.ly/coc4lib Code4Lib Code of Conduct], which seeks to provide a welcoming, harassment-free environment.
=== Program ===
Here's a partial list of talks and breakout sessions that have already been confirmed for this year's unconference. There are more to come - watch this space!
==== Lightning Talks ====
* VideoConch, video format validation for Archivematica (Sarah Romkey)
* TechBC Memory Project metadata upgrade (Holly Hendrigan)
* A Coal Miner’s History: Mapping Digitized Audio Interviews (Daniel Sifton)
* simple library apps with Google Apps Scripts (Terry Brady)
* Defining Projects using Gherkin Syntax (Sara Allain)
* UX design on research data site (Jessica Gallinger)
* Islandora On This Day module (Mark Jordan)
* Provincial Digital Library update (Daniel Sifton/Caroline Daniels)
==== Breakout Sessions ====
* Intro to SQL (Alex Garnett)
* Awesome Excel tips (Trevor Smith)
* PDL technologies Up Close (Daniel Sifton)
* FOLIO (Andrew Nagy)
* reSearcher and project sustainability
* Intro to Git and GitHub
=== Draft Schedule ===