4:30-5:30: Travel to OCLC in Dublin
5:30 - ?: Tour of the OCLC Data Center or Group Dinner '''Description:'''July 18, 2019 5:30 p.m. Tour: OCLC Headquarters OCLC is the world’s leading library cooperative that provides research, technologies and services that help thousands of libraries around the world serve their users. OCLC and its member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat, the world’s largest online database for discovery of library resources. With headquarters in Dublin, Ohio, USA, OCLC operates offices, data centers and engineering sites around the world. This tour of OCLC headquarters includes an opportunity to visit the OCLC Data Center, the technology platform for OCLC products and services. You’ll also see the OCLC Library, Archive & Museum, with its unique items including Melville Dewey’s hand-written notes in the first edition Classification and Subject Index for a Library, and a museum illustrating OCLC’s rich history. Note: OCLC completed renovations of its headquarters in August 2016. This tour provides an opportunity for those who have not yet seen the renovated building to do so. Directions and an OCLC campus map are accessible via this link: https://www.oclc.org/en/contacts/campus-map.html . Please follow the campus signs to the Kilgour Building. You’re welcome to park in any of the parking spaces except those indicated otherwise with a sign (handicapped, reserved, person name, etc.). Once you arrive, please meet in the Kilgour Building atrium. For additional information about the tour, please contact Nancy Lensenmayer, lensenma@oclc.org. ''Representatives from OCLC member libraries are welcome to attend.''
8:30-9: Continental Breakfast (Coffee, tea) (Coffee, tea) (Sponsored by OCLC)
9-11:30: Event[slotting sessions -- will be available shortly]
11:30-12:00: Wrap up