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2024 Scholarship Documents/Feedback

1,131 bytes added, 23:49, 7 November 2023
initial copy from 2023
[[2024_Scholarship_Documents|2024 Scholarship Committee Documents]]

== Request for Feedback ==

Dear Code4Lib 2024 Scholarships Recipients,

Thank you very much for participating in Code4Lib 2024! It was an honor to have you there, and great to meet quite a few of you in person. I hope you've had safe travels home and that this finds you well.

As part of wrapping up and reflecting on our work, the Scholarship Committee would very much appreciate any feedback you'd like to share about your experience with this program. Your feedback will help us plan the next conferences better for the next scholarship recipients. Please find the link for the survey: '''(link)'''

'''(If anyone would prefer a 1-1 conversation, we are happy to listen and/or recruit another member of the committee for such a conversation.)'''

Thank you again, and best wishes,<br/>
The Code4Lib 2024 Scholarship Committee

==Questions to add in the form (*: required)==
* Application process*
* Conference logistics and travel planning*
* Communication*
* Buddy program
* Additional feedback (your feedback might be used on the next scholarship webpage)

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