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2025 Keynote Speakers Nominations

2,203 bytes added, 15:05, 7 November 2024
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==Anne Washington==
Dr. Washington is a public interest technologist and professor of data policy at the NYU Steinhardt school. Her expertise on public sector information currently addresses the emerging governance needs of data science. She has an undergraduate degree in computer science, an MLIS, and a PhD in information systems. She's worked at the Library of Congress and is the Advisory Boards of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and the Open Government Foundation.
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==Nikki Stevens==
Dr. Stevens is a faculty associate at Arizona State, maintainer of the [ Open Demographics] project, and past postdoctoral researcher at MIT, in the [ Data + Feminism Lab]. Formerly a software engineer, she studies how software engineering is situated in systems of power -- for instance, the ways that relational database architecture dovetails with carceral logics. She says "if you invite me for a talk (hint hint), I would give talks titled:
* “Abolitionist Data Practices: Applying political goals to data structures”
* “Is my database racist? How white supremacy structures our databases”
* “The history of data modeling” (this one is more exciting than it sounds, I swear!)
* “Beyond ‘anti-racist’ engineering: why anti-racism does not make better software”
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==Cat Hicks==
Dr. Hicks is a psychologist studying developer thriving. Her social science research includes learning cultures, code review anxiety, and the psychological affordances of organizations. She says "I'm passionate about learning equity, access to opportunity, and how we make visible the invisible effort of people operating under extraordinary adversity." I think we would be interested in her research, and she would also be interested in code4lib's overlap with and differences from industry tech culture.
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==Jane Doe (example)==

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