,Rejigged a bit before announcement
Welcome to the wiki home of the new Ontario/Canada "chapter" of [http://code4lib.org/ code4lib]. Our aim is to create more opportunities for code4lib folks in the Ontario/Quebec/Manitoba/Northeast USA area to meet up in person.
===Discussion Mailing list===
Want to participate in Code4Lib North meetups and receive "North"-oriented Code4Lib announcements? Join the
'''[http://groups.google.com/group/code4lib-north Code4Lib North Google Group]'''
== First Meeting : Kingston ON, 6 -7 May 2010 ==
=== When and Where ===
'''May 6-7, 2010 (Thursday afternoon/evening, Friday all day)'''
'''Queen's University, Kingston Ontario''' (exact building/room TBA) ([http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=101+union+st,+kingston+on&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.27343,74.882813&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=101+Union+St+W,+Kingston,+Frontenac+County,+Ontario,+Canada&ll=44.227919,-76.495142&spn=0.035672,0.073128&z=14|Google Map])
=== Format ===
1 or 1.5 days. Still figuring this out. * 5-minute lighting talks* 20-minute talks* BOAF sessions* Depending on 1 day vs. 1.5 days, maybe a hackfest.
=== How many can attend? ===
About 50 or so. Final numbers to be determined.
== Who's interested in Code4Lib North? Put your name here... ==
* Wendy Huot, Queen's University