→"CALIL.JP" Open Libraries by web-scraping. - Introduce Library API from Japan
== "CALIL.JP" Open Libraries by web-scraping. - Introduce Introducing Library API from Japan ==
* Ryuuji Yoshimoto,Nota Inc Engineer , ryuuji@notaland.com
I am an engineer at Nota Inc.Nota is web-service company."CALIL"(http://calil.jp/) is a web service for library users in Japan.(Not for only libralianfor librarians but also for general patrons.)
Our scraping platform is provide also provides API for free.Any developper developer can access realtime holding status at almost all the libraries in Japan by one API.Now Since launched in 2010, many iPhone,Android apps are developed by many developperthird party developers.And connect it allows many web service connect to library.(book shelf,review etc).
I will introduce about "CALIL" and our , "CALIL Library API", and its methodology. Open Libraries in Japan to World-Coders!!
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