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2013 coral meetup

2,730 bytes added, 22:11, 13 February 2013
Created page with "Coral Meetup Attendees --------- * Steve Oberg - Wheator College + * Yongming Wnag - College of New Jersey Library + * Brian McBride - University Utah (pilot) * Alan Witkowski ..."
Coral Meetup


* Steve Oberg - Wheator College +
* Yongming Wnag - College of New Jersey Library +
* Brian McBride - University Utah (pilot)
* Alan Witkowski - University Utah (pilot)
* Megan Finch - Oakland University of Michigan
* Robin Schaaf - Notre Dame +
* Bill Dueber - University of Michigan (pilot)
* Lauren Ajamie - Notre Dame +
* Jeremy Friesen - Notre Dame +

(+ - using CORAL)


* Jaron Kennel ( and Robin Schaff have stepped back from the project
* Remington Steed (rjs7@CALVIN.EDU) from Calvin College has been taking the lead
* Eric Hartman from Texas A&M has been very helpful This is considered the canonical source; Please put your Issues/TODO here.

Notre Dame
* About 3500 entries; ebooks are on the horizon
* Licensing data is used for negotiation; See what the typical agreements are like.
* Use document management part of License (upload PDF and archive it)

College of New Jersey Library

* Two instances installed
* Not using workflow, as there is only one person doing the work of Coral. Appreciate the alerts.
* About 100 entries for databases for vendors

Wheaton College

* Populating data is a challenge
* Scripts as they are, in Github, are intended for initial data loads; But if you want to overlay this becomes more challenging.
* Many nods to this "Straightening out the mess for data going into CORAL is labor intensive"
* Suggested to start with installing the usage-statistics module of CORAL
* About 1900 entries
* Wants to track access paths for resources in Coral (i.e. SFX, Discovery layer, 360 Link, etc.)
* Tremendous amount of work to extract licensing expression/text

University Utah

* Question - what is the community's commitment to CORAL? Robin is confident in the community. * Texas A&M have put a lot of support behind this.
* Texas A&M is working on a documentation module; For troubleshooting easy proxy.
* ER&L will have a meetup and NASIG "should" have a meetup.

University of Michigan

* Pilot project would load 10000 records or so


* Where does the code need love: Sushi usage (if it is implemented would be fabulous)
* Most people said that CORAL is significantly better than any vendor supplied ERM.
* ERMs are conceptually very simple, or at least the needs that we really want are simple.
* International characters are supported.
* Customization is very flexible. But be careful of data migration, spend some time planning your categories
* Licensing Terms look up feature usage and extension
* Bringing open source to the institution can be challenging

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