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C4L2011 registration

5 bytes removed, 18:33, 8 December 2010
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If you are interested in attending a preconference, you might want to open another browser tab with the []. The cost for the conference is $130; attending the preconference session(s) costs an additional $15 for half-day. Our one full-day pre-conference, CURATEcamp Hackfest, is being sponsored by the [ Digital Library Federation ] and is open to the first 50 people to register for it at no-cost. {Thanks DLF!!!}.
'''Note: If you are a [ conference presenter, preconference presenter, or scholarship winner], you will have a special code sent to you by the end of the next week (Dec 17, 2010) that you can use to register. Please do not register today; your registration slot is guaranteed until December 22nd via this other registration route.'''

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