Revision as of 09:46, 23 January 2009 by (Talk) (Dutch Code4Bib)

Revision as of 09:46, 23 January 2009 by (Talk) (Dutch Code4Bib)

Dutch Code4Bib

At various library tech gatherings in the recent past (Q1 2009 as of this writing) a need has been expressed for setting up a regional Code4lib.

Please contact e.posthumus at if you are in the Netherlands/Belgium (or Yirrup in general) and interested in having (ir)regular regional meetings.

NOTE, this is not for organising an EU conference, merely a regular(ish) regional meetup.

There has so far been some interest in attending from:

Belgium 2

France 1

USA 1 (will be a bit difficult to just pop over for an evening, no?)

Germany 1

Netherlands 2

(the number behind the country is number of people)