OCLC Policy Change

Revision as of 16:46, 5 January 2009 by DataGazetteer (Talk | contribs) (Commentary Regarding Second Revision (nov 5) / General)

Revision as of 16:46, 5 January 2009 by DataGazetteer (Talk | contribs) (Commentary Regarding Second Revision (nov 5) / General)

The Policy


On November 13, 2008, a petition called Stop the OCLC powergrab! was started by Aaron Swartz to repeal the new policy. Background in his blog post, Stealing Your Library: The OCLC Powergrab.

On December 1, 2008, Elaine Sanchez created a new petition with more depth and specificity. The petition calls for OCLC to vacate the new policy, create a more open process for revising the 1987 guidelines, and assert that the records are the property of the respective contributing members. Ms. Sanchez posted an announcement about it on the Autocat mailing list.

Commentary Regarding First Revision (nov 2)

Commentary Regarding Second Revision (nov 5) / General

Date Author Title
2008-11-02 Reese, Terry OCLC’s proposed new guidelines for the transfer of bibliographic records
2008-11-03 Reese, Terry What would it look like if OCLC was broken up?
2008-11-04 Calhoun, Karen Notes on OCLC's Updated Record Use Policy (NC)
2008-11-04 Panlibus What are OCLC playing at?
2008-11-05 Coombs, Karen Who’s record is it anyway?
2008-11-05 Corrado, Ed karen calhoun on oclc’s updated record use policy
2008-11-05 Corrado, Ed new oclc policy on worldcat records re-released
2008-11-05 Open Content Alliance New OCLC Records Policy Generates Debate
2008-11-05 Reese, Terry A look at the Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat Records revision
2008-11-05 Rochkind, Jonathan More on OCLC’s policies
2008-11-06 Library Journal After Delay, OCLC Lays Out New Policy for Records Use and Transfer (NC)
2008-11-06 Repohate Declaration of Independance of Metadata
2008-11-06 Rochkind, Jonathan copyright trivia, one more
2008-11-06 Styles, Rob OCLC, Record Usage, Copyright, Contracts and the Law
2008-11-07 Corrado, Ed update on oclc worldcat policy
2008-11-07 Rochkind, Jonathan A logical OCLC argument
2008-11-07 Wallis, Richard (Panlibus) Keeping the WorldCat in the bag
2008-11-12 Rochkind, Jonathan I don’t actually want to destroy OCLC
2008-11-12 Uncontrolled Vocabulary #62 (podcast) A Reliable Guide to Unicorns
2008-11-12 Wallis, Richard (Panlibus) OCLC – any questions?
2008-11-13 Hartman-Caverly, Sarah Final ‘Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat Records’ Posted by OCLC
2008-11-13 O'Steen, Ben OCLC - viral licence being added to WorldCat data
2008-11-13 Slashdot Non-Profit Org Claims Rights In Library Catalog Data (NC)
2008-11-13 Swartz, Aaron Stealing Your Library: The OCLC Powergrab (NC)
2008-11-14 Inside Higher Ed Maelstrom Over Metadata (NC)
2008-11-14 Calhoun, Karen & Roy Tennant with Richard Wallis (podcast) OCLC Talk with Talis about the new Record Use Policy
2008-11-14 Calhoun, Karen (via Autocat) OCLC Record Use Policy (NC)
2008-11-14 Corrado, Ed OCLC WorldCat Record Policy makes it to Inside Higher Ed and Slashdot
2008-11-14 Libology More OCLC Comments
2008-11-14 Litwin, Roy OCLC Powergrab?
2008-11-14 Sanchez, Elaine (via Autocat) Petition to stop OCLC from initiating the new WorldCat Policy (NC)
2008-11-14 Styles, Rob More OCLC Policy…
2008-11-14 Suburban Banshee OCLC Gets Grabby
2008-11-15 Corrado, Ed Talis Podcast about OCLC WorldCat Record Use Policy with Karen Clahoun and Roy Tennant
2008-11-15 LISnews OCLC Claims Ownership of Data In OPACs
2008-11-15 Swartz, Aaron OCLC on the Run (NC)
2008-11-15 West, Jessamyn What is up with OCLC?
2008-11-16 Mazzocchi, Stefano Rule #1 for Surviving Paradigm Shifts: Don’t S**t Where You Eat
2008-11-16 Rochkind, Jonathan more OCLC
2008-11-16 Schwartz, Christine Essential listening: Calhoun and Tennant on OCLC's policy
2008-11-17 Alford, Larry (Chair, OCLC Board of Trustees) An open letter to the OCLC membership on the WorldCat Record Use Policy (NC)
2008-11-17 Annoyed Librarian How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love OCLC (NC)
2008-11-18 Mehta, Devanshu On Community-Based Collaboration: Lesson From the OCLC Debacle
2008-11-18 Styles, Rob Schroedinger’s WorldCat
2008-11-18 Baker, Gavin OCLC fighting OA to bibliographic data
2008-11-19 Lang, John OCLC and Google Policy Discussion Continues…11.19.08
2008-11-19 Library 2.0 Gang (podcast) Library 2.0 Gang 10/08: Policy – OCLC & Google Book Search
2008-11-19 Sauers, Michael (screenshot) Hey Roy, remember this? (NC)
2008-11-19 Uncontrolled Vocabulary #63 (podcast) Uncontrolled Vocabulary #63 - AACR3, now with FRBR (OCLC discussion starts at the 20:50 mark.)
2008-11-19 Mark Ockerbloom, John Drawing a line in the sand, Part 1: The importance of open library metadata
2008-11-20 Spalding, Tim OCLC Policy Re-re-released, now in unfriendly PDF
2008-11-20 Jastram, Iris The OCLC Kerfuffle: In which I write much but come to few conclusions
2008-11-21 Sauers, Michael OCLC and CC
2008-11-21 Mehta, Devanshu Continuing Adventures of WorldCat: Conditions, not Restrictions
2008-11-21 Wallis, Richard OCLC - Questions Answers and an Open Letter
2008-11-21 Coyle, Karen Fork WorldCat
2008-11-21 Mark Ockerbloom, John Drawing a line in the sand, Part 2: Problems with OCLC’s catalog policy
2008-11-24 Kleinman, Molly The OCLC data licensing saga: Adapt or die
2008-11-24 Rochkind, Jonathan Of Identifiers, matching, OCLCnums, and Umlaut
2008-11-24 Mark Ockerbloom, John Drawing a line in the sand, Part 3: How to respond?
2008-11-24 Rochkind, Jonathan Creative Commons is not appropriate for data
2008-11-25 Salo, Dorothea OCLC, catalogue records, and labor
2008-11-25 Mehta, Devanshu I Can Haz Worldcat?
2008-11-26 Rochkind, Jonathan OCLC, and what we lose without openness (a True Story)
2008-11-26 Corrado, Ed Putting Your Golden Eggs in One Basket
2008-11-27 NELLCO USS project blog USS Use of OCLC MARC Records
2008-11-28 Coyle, Karen OCLC Use Policy Details: Your Records
2008-11-28 Coyle, Karen OCLC Use Policy Details: Use and Transparency
2008-12-01 Schwartz, Christine OCLC policy: spreading the bibliographic wealth around?
2008-12-01 Sanchez, Elaine (via autocat) Petition for OCLC to Collaboratively Re-write Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat Records (NC)
2008-12-04 Voss, Jacob Bibliographische Daten müssen frei sein (rough English translation via Google)
2008-12-07 Spalding, Tim The Elusive Moose and OCLC
2008-12-08 techdirt Landgrab For Ownership Of Library Catalog Data
2008-12-09 Missouri Libr Net Corp WorldCat Records Policy Update
2008-12-09 PALINET Cataloging Blog OCLC Record Use Policy
2008-12-09 Spalding, Tim The New OCLC Policy and Federal Libraries
2008-12-10 Mason, Rick OCLC License Policy - A Recommendation
2008-12-10 Autocat list discussion Re: The new OCLC Policy and Federal libraries more more more more more more more (NC)
2008-12-12 American Libraries Online WorldCat Policy Revision Draws Librarians’ Ire (NC)
2008-12-12 Open Libraries Tech list the land-grabs (NC)
2008-12-12 Klienman, Molly OCLC licensing saga
2008-12-13 Schneider, Karen OCLC’s policy: Train, stop, cried the constable on the rails
2008-12-15 Wallis, Richard OCLC Record Sharing, Yogurt, and Copyright
2008-12-16 Library Journal ARL/ASERL Task Force to Investigate OCLC Policy Change (NC)
2008-12-16 Spalding, Tim New OCLC logos
2008-12-18 Salo, Dorothea Thursday WTFery
2008-12-20 Singer Gordon, Rachel Mine! Mine! Mine!
2009-01-04 McGrath, Kelley OCLC's new WorldCat Record Policy, original cataloging, and 040 $a more more (NC)

Comments on Comments

Sometimes the best insight comes in the comments added to blog postings and other stories. This Yahoo! Pipe (also available as an RSS feed) is a concatenation of all of the comments from the postings and stories above -- with the exception of those marked "(NC)" because of use of software that doesn't support comment feeds. It was last updated as of page revision 1750.