Aims and Overview
The aim of this tutorial is to provide participants with a detailed conceptual understanding of how to publish Linked Data on the Web, and a gentle introduction to the practical and technical steps that make up the publishing process. In addition the tutorial will cover best practices in topics such as minting URIs for published data sets, vocabulary selection, choosing what RDF data to expose, and interlinking distributed data sets. Specific patterns will be presented for publishing different forms of data set, such as data from static files, relational databases and existing Web APIs. Participants will also be shown how to debug published data.
The second focus of the tutorial will be applications that consume Linked Data from the Web. We will give an overview about existing Linked Data browsers, Web of Data search engines as well as Linked Data Mashups and cover the existing software frameworks that can be used to build applications on top of the Data Web.
Lastly the tutorial will be to provide a collaborative space to explore putting some of the ideas of linked data into practice. The idea is that people can split off into groups, or work independently on adding linked data support to an existing application, exploring modeling issues of what vocabularies to use for particular data sets, and brain storming about new vocabularies that may be needed in the library world.
The tutorial will combine presentations by the tutors with demonstrations, interactive sessions, and group discussion. Other than a broad technical understanding of the Web development and Web publishing process, and a basic conceptual understanding of the Semantic Web, there are no pre-requisites for participation in the tutorial, which will be of interest to the full spectrum of code4lib2009 attendees, including researchers, developers, data managers/publishers and those seeking to commercially exploit the Semantic Web by publishing Linked Data.
Program Outline
02/22 8PM pre-preconf drink/planning
Let's keep the drink/planning simple, as in, stick to the Hotel bar/restaurant rather than roving. This is assuming the hotel bar/restaurant provides a practical space for our drinking+planning activities. It is open to both organizers and attendees, since the hope is that this line will blur anyhow.
02/23 AM Tutorial, Attendees: 48
09:00 - 09:15 -- welcome and overview, mention PM FOAFing, hand out packets (edsu) 09:15 - 09:45 -- busy developers guide to rdf/LOD (iand) 09:45 - 10:15 -- authorities, linked data & rda (charper) 10:15 - 10:30 -- (anders) 10:30 - 10:45 -- (edsu) 10:45 - 11:00 -- *** break *** 11:00 - 11:15 -- vocabulary selection (lbjay) 11:15 - 11:30 -- openvocab (iand) 11:30 - 11:45 -- registries (jphipps) 11:45 - 12:00 -- caching and proxying linked data (dchud) 12:00 - 12:30 -- Q & A / gauge what audience wants from PM session
02/23 PM Workshop, Attendees 35
12:30 - 14:00 -- Lunch 14:00 - 16:00 -- Breakout Sessions 16:00 - 17:00 -- Regroup/Wrap-up/Think about potential breakout topics for folks who want to continue discussion throughout conf.
Possible Afternoon Session Topics
- Go FOAF Yourself: everyone spend 30-40 min creating or helping other people create and publish a FOAF profile
- Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies (jphipps)
- provide examples of processing rdf: what libraries exist in different languages, lessons learned, etc.
- looking at XC data
- rdfa
- bibont
- oai-ore
- talis platform
- working w/ rdf in php, python, java, perl,etc
Possible Outcomes for Afternoon Session
- Gain familiarity w/ processing RDF
- Build a simple representation of the conf or preconf in Linked data.
- Build crawlers to play with the data piles or LOD conf stuff
- FOAF Book Raffle
- Exhibit display
- Ed Summers (Library of Congress)
- Mike Giarlo (Library of Congress)
- Jay Luker (Ex Libris)
- Ross Singer (Talis)
- Corey Harper (NYU)
- Ian Davis (Talis)