

293 bytes added, 21:37, 18 March 2009
Reverted edits by (Talk); changed back to last version by Wickr
comment3==== 02/23 AM Tutorial, httpAttendees:// ====* 09:00 -florida09:15 -chamber-of-commerce.html central florida chamber of commerce, >:-OOEd Summers, [http://5cr1rinkdroid.cnorg/commentstalks/mahurkar-catheter mahurkar catheterc4links.pdf Linked Data welcome and overview], 1531#c4l09 or How I got lost on Wikipedia (edsu)* 09:15 - 09:45 -- Ian Davis, [ golden pillow retrieverguide-to-rdf-and-linked-data The thirty minute guide to RDF and linked data] (iand)* 09:45 - 10:15 -- authorities, krevc, httplinked data & rda (charper)* 10://m6w6315 - 10:30 -- (anders)* 10:30 -library10:45 -bendigo goldfields library bendigo, spkmgn, - [http://m6w63inkdroid.cnorg/newsbzr/goldenlcsh/docs/slides] (edsu)* 10:45 -gate11:00 -apartments-san*** break **** 11:00 -francisco golden gate apartments san francisco, 11:15 -)), - [ vocabulary selection] (lbjay)* 11:15 -temperatures11:30 -for-january.html daily temperatures for january, 8-OOO, [http://5cr1ropen.vocab.cnorg/topic/maidenhead-escorts maidenhead escorts, 8openvocab] ((, iand)* 11:30 - 11:45 -- [ registries] (jphipps)* 11:45 -gandhi12:00 -speech mahatma gandhi speech, 68723, - [http://asp5sonebiglibrary.cnnet/topicstory/quartancode4lib-ague.html quartan ague, 662720,2009-talk-on-caching-and-proxying-linked-data caching and proxying linked data] (dchud)* 12:00 - 12:30 -- Q & A / gauge what audience wants from PM session
==== 02/23 PM Workshop, Attendees 35 ====