
Zoia or the Code4Lib IRC bot

530 bytes added, 23:31, 30 January 2013
Examples: Updating, correcting, enhancing some of the examples
pmurray: @whoami
zoia: pmurray
zoia: pmurray: You're Jean Valjean. * '''@coffee'''<pre>
ruebot: @coffee pberry
zoia brews and pours a cup of Guatemala El Diamante, and sends it sliding down the bar to pberry
* '''@naf''' ''Search the national authority file''<pre>
bohyunkim: @naf kazantzakis
zoia: bohyunkim: [2 matches] [1] Kazantzakis, Nikos, 1883-1957 <>; [2] Kazantzakis, Helen <>
* '''@marc''' ''Look up MARC tags''<pre>
bohyunkim: @marc 245
zoia: bohyunkim: The title and statement of responsibility area of the bibliographic description of a work. [a,b,c,f,g,h,k,n,p,s,6,8]
* '''@tweet ''' ''Send a tweet from the bot4lib Twitter account''Requires Zoia identification/registration.<pre>
edsu: @tweet please Hammerism don't hurt 'em
zoia: edsu: The operation succeeded.
* '''@karma''' ''Gives Karma stats''<pre>
awead: @karma
zoia: awead: Highest karma: "mbklein" (529), "mistym" (365), and "edsu" (341). Lowest karma: "iii" (-102), "rhel" (-45), and "contentdm" (-22). You (awead) are ranked 23 out of 1885.
</pre>Give someone/something karma with <tt>++</tt> anywhere in a line<pre>joes: props to edsu++ for the nodejs++ Wikipedia edits page</pre>Take away someone/something's karma with <tt>--</tt> anywhere in a line<pre>frankn: congress-- </pre> * '''@quote''' ''Get or add quotes''
emorgan: @quote random