
2015 Prepared Talk Proposals

2,425 bytes added, 20:31, 7 November 2014
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The web developers at the University of Arizona Libraries had a problem: we were working on a major website rebuild project with no clear way to prioritize it against our other work. We knew we wanted to follow Agile principles and initially chose Scrum to organize and communicate about our work. But we found that certain core pieces of Scrum did not work for our team. Then we discovered Kanban, an Agile meta-process for organizing work (team or individual) that treats the work more as a flow than as a series of fixed time boxes. I’ll be talking about our journey toward finding a process that works for our team and how we’ve applied the principles of Kanban to better get our work done. Specifically, I'll discuss principles like how to visualize all your work, how to limit how much you’re doing (to get more done!), and how to optimize the flow of your work.
== DIY Catalog ==
* Wayne Schneider, wschneider at [//], [// Hennepin County Library]
* Amy Drayer, adrayer at [//], [// Hennepin County Library]
With so many discovery layers being made available that didn’t quite fit user needs but still came with substantial costs, Hennepin County Library determined it would develop one that could handle its customizations. So they built their own ILS API, Web services, and an interface that provides all the features (and existing custom features) of the old catalog, with new features planned, all within a responsive layout. Get a look at the system architecture, how the front end communicates through the layers back to the databases, and how to manage the infrastructure.
== OverDrive: Full Integration ==
* Amy Drayer, adrayer at [//], [// Hennepin County Library]
* Wayne Schneider, wschneider at [//], [// Hennepin County Library]
How do you increase usage of your ebooks? Seamless integration in the catalog certainly helps. Users can search for digital titles, limit to just those that are available, place a request, borrow, and manage all their digital titles from the library website alongside all the other physical titles the library has. Get a quick demo and learn how this was all made possible.
The [// Hennepin County Library] is ranked one of [// the top users of OverDrive and OverDrive’s API] and is looking to more fully integrate 3M Cloud, OneClickDigital, and other digital resources.
== Dynamic Indexing: a Tragic Solr Story ==
* Wayne Schneider, wschneider at [//], [// Hennepin County Library]
Loading data from an ILS into Solr isn’t so hard, unless it needs to be dynamic, fast, and hold more data than what can be found in 1.5 million MARC records. Some additional information we’ve incorporated are from Syndetics, ILS circulation, and OverDrive. We’ll share the nitty gritty details and what we learned about dynamic Solr indexing, including how to get good performance, how to deal with indexing failures, how to schedule it all to keep the data up-to-date, and some things you can do with that data such as popularity ratings.