
Mentorship Program

1,992 bytes added, 19:47, 7 March 2016
Added Timothy Tavarez to "partners" list.
[ Mike Giarlo] - I've been in various IT positions in academic and research libraries for 17 years, during much of which I have concentrated on digital libraries and repositories. My most recent programming experience has been with Ruby on Rails, working as an active member of the Hydra project for Penn State since 2011. Coding isn't my superpower, though; if I have any superpower, perhaps it's that I've found ways to be successful as something of a conduit or a polyglot, which started when I built on my IT background by getting an MLIS. On an average work day, it's not uncommon for me to get into a nitty-gritty tech discussion with our software developers and DevOps and an hour later be chatting with a dean or a director about technology strategy or library services. Perhaps I can help you take your career in this direction as well.
[ Terry Brady] - I have built metadata management and data conversion software in corporate, government, non-profit, and higher education environments. For the last several years, I have sought opportunities to use my skills on meaningful projects. I found the libraries/archives space to be a great place to find meaningful projects. Working within a small IT team, I know the importance of building a larger community of peers. My [ current projects] focus on DSpace, Java, XSLT, PHP, JavaScript, and SQL. I would be happy to mentor folks on these technologies or on software development in general. [ Contact Info].
=== Partners ===
Timothy Tavarez - I'm a US Air Force veteran who is transitioning into the library technology space as founder of Nete (we're a startup building a library PaaS). My only experience in libraries has been as a life long patron and on-off volunteer. I'm a self-taught programmer/developer (Angular/JS/ES2015). I'm hoping to find mentors that can help give me guidance on making the right decisions for my company, development and bettering the overall industry/community.
Bess Sadler - I have been a developer for Digital Humanities and Library software projects for over a decade, but I am relatively new to library management and administration and I would love to find a mentor with more experience than I have in those areas.
Mark Eaton - I'm an academic librarian learning Python and Javascript. I'm at the point where I'm writing my own working scripts, but I could really use some input to make them better. I'd also welcome guidance on how best to build on what I've learned so far.
Megan Kudzia - I'm a Web Developer/Designer librarian and have been for the last four years. My long-term goal is to be a full-stack developer (which I realize will take years!) and I'm interested to know if there are others out there who want to work together toward that same goal? I'm currently strongest at front-end design and development (HTML, CSS, basic PHP), and I'm gradually working my way back "down" the back end (server and network administration, database management, etc.). I'm also interested more immediately in management (project, time, human). I seem to be accumulating student workers and interns so I'd love to share knowledge with others on what's working for them to scale up human management.
== Code4Lib Community Projects for Mentorship Opportunities ==