
2013 coral meetup

78 bytes added, 15:16, 15 February 2013
no edit summary
* Steve Oberg - Wheator Wheaton College +* Yongming Wnag Wang - College of New Jersey Library +
* Brian McBride - University Utah (pilot)
* Alan Witkowski - University Utah (pilot)
* Jaron Kennel ( and Robin Schaff have stepped back from the project
* Remington Steed (rjs7@CALVINcalvin.EDUedu) from Calvin College has been taking the leaddoing some recent development
* Eric Hartman from Texas A&M has been very helpful
* Suggested to start with installing the usage-statistics module of CORAL
* About 1900 entries
* Wants to use CORAL to track all access paths for resources in Coral (i.e. SFX, Discovery layer, 360 Link, etc.), not just local catalog (e.g. see Cataloging tab in Resources module)
* Tremendous amount of work to extract licensing expression/text