Page history
6 September 2014
4 April 2014
→Technology, Librarianship, and Gender: Moving the conversation forward
→Technology, Librarianship, and Gender: Moving the conversation forward
31 March 2014
29 March 2014
→Managing Projects: Or I'm in charge, now what? (aka PM4Lib)
→Managing Projects: Or I'm in charge, now what? (aka PM4Lib)
→Managing Projects: Or I'm in charge, now what? (aka PM4Lib)
→FileAnalyzer: Rapid Development of File Manipulation Tasks
24 March 2014
→GeoHydra: Managing geospatial content
→GeoHydra: Managing geospatial content
→AV Content Slam
→AV Content Slam
→Managing Projects: Or I'm in charge, now what? (aka PM4Lib)
23 March 2014
21 March 2014
20 March 2014
→RailsBridge: Intro to programming in Ruby on Rails
→RailsBridge: Intro to programming in Ruby on Rails
→RailsBridge: Intro to programming in Ruby on Rails
→RailsBridge: Intro to programming in Ruby on Rails
→Managing Projects: Or I'm in charge, now what? (aka PM4Lib)
19 March 2014
→Responsive Design Hackfest
→Open Refine Hackfest
→Intro to Blacklight
→Obey the Testing Goat!: Test Driven Web Development From The Ground Up
17 March 2014
→Intro to Git
→Responsive Design Hackfest
→Responsive Design Hackfest
→Responsive Design Hackfest
→Managing Projects: Or I'm in charge, now what? (aka PM4Lib)
→Fail4Lib 2014
→RailsBridge: Intro to programming in Ruby on Rails
→Blacklight Hackfest
→Intro to Blacklight
14 March 2014
13 March 2014
9 March 2014
4 March 2014
25 February 2014
→Intro to Git
→Collecting social media data with Social Feed Manager
→FileAnalyzer: Rapid Development of File Manipulation Tasks
→Fail4Lib 2014
→Open Refine Hackfest