→Submissions for 20-Minute Talk Slots
'''Talk Title:'''
Controlling the flood: Re-plumbing fittings between a New Titles List and other services with Yahoo! Pipes.
'''Speaker name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es):'''
Jon Gorman, University of Illinois, jtgorman@illinois.edu
'''Abstract of no more than 500 words:'''
About four years ago the University of Illinois decided to create a New Titles service (http://www.library.illinois.edu/newtitles/) that could provide RSS feeds. At the time a balance was struck between complexity of options and limited development time. Currently a feed is created by adding options, each option narrowing the scope of a feed. Selecting a date range, Unit Library and a call number range will retrieve material that match all three of the criteria. It was hoped that at some point a generic tool would be able to further manipulate and combine feeds produced by the simple options to customize very specific feed. Yahoo! Pipes has emerged to fill that niche.